Friday, May 31, 2019

HappyUP!!! Day 4794

HappyUP!!! - my left hand                                  
Why it happened -I am developing it
Why it makes me happy -up to now, it has just been a little 5 minute a day dexterity exercise and test. Today, I pushed it. I asked it a question. The answers that I received were astounding! I guess I shouldn't be surprised but it was quite amazing.

HappyUP!!! - action toward DTM
Why it happened -my left hand
Why it makes me happy -alright...I did it...I put out the invitation. No turning back now. This project is going forward as the ships are now burned! Wheeee....this is going to be fun!!!

HappyUP!!! -Unlimited Human magazine
Why it happened - my association publishes it
Why it makes me happy - it is fascinating to read things from peers in my industry who have TONS of wisdom....and to feel welcomed into their tribe. I belong

HappyUP!!! - a pin
Why it happened -a considerate person
Why it makes me happy-will I wear this pin? Probably not...I have received quite a few. This one, however, is different. I REALLY earned this one....and was recognized for my efforts long ago. This was like a "bonus pin" based on the progress that has been made since my colleagues and I cleared the brush and blazed the trail.


My client call
My patient call
My left hand

Editing a video...I got this

Thursday, May 30, 2019

HappyUP!!! Day 4793

HappyUP!!! -   sequence                                
Why it happened -I made a request
Why it makes me happy - I went to bed with a problem that needed solving. I asked my sub conscious if it would lend me a hand. I don't remember the details of the dream but it involved "sequence"....and that was EXACTLY the solve for my problem

HappyUP!!! - working in line
Why it happened -I was in some lines today
Why it makes me happy - I just thought to myself, "there is such a customer service push... can't have people wait in line...," yet...we are SO equipped to be in lines now. I was on my phone and my iPad...things I needed to do anyway. I just saw an irony there

HappyUP!!! -client follow up
Why it happened -I do that
Why it makes me happy - thrilled to hear that there is a performance improvement...and the person is doing the work. DOING THE WORK....if you want to get better, you have to DO THE WORK!

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

HappyUP!!! Day 4792

HappyUP!!! -   eagle on 6                               
Why it happened -SKILL...massive skill
Why it makes me happy - sure, there is a little luck with the ball dropping in the hole. In this case, however, there was a careful analysis made and experience used. It would have been easy to hit the more lofted could even say it was the right play. I KNEW better and didn't cave to it. Though I was coming out of the rough and had to get over a tree, I took less loft, opened the face, swung softer....and the ball shot up like a piece of popcorn...and gently landed on the green...and trundled into the cup

HappyUP!!! - clarity on requirements
Why it happened -I was on a call
Why it makes me happy -OK...a bit of overwhelm...but I KNOW what needs to be done. The "freak out" gremlin popped up....I said, "go away, dude. Here is what I know. I WILL get it done. I don't know how yet...but I always do. I'm going to bed and I will have it figured out in the morning."

HappyUP!!! - helping Jr fix his golf bag
Why it happened - he had a "whoopsie" and I am clever
Why it makes me happy -my band aid worked! When you are out in the forest, you got to improvise!

HappyUP!!! - sand play
Why it happened -I'm pretty good at that
Why it makes me happy- there are times when I get a bit off in the kitty litter on the course. Yet, day in and day out, I have some skill at the beach (maybe because I am there a lot). I got it up and down a couple of times today...sweet!

EAGLE on 6
great weather
clarity on RTT requirements
AP stepping up to bail me out
Attitude - I don't know how...but I WILL get this RTT stuff done on time
Helping Jr fix his golf bag
Sweet putting...birdie 4...loooooong bomb on 9...sandie 17...up and down 16.
Punch on 16
Sandie on 5

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

HappyUP!!! Day 4791

THAT is NOT what is supposed to
be in your kitchen tool drawer!
HappyUP!!! - speech learnings                                   
Why it happened -Toastmasters
Why it makes me happy -it is a great laboratory. Today's speech was actually a block of a much larger speech. I gave far more detail than was necessary if it was a component. It's a great story and drives home a fantastic point. Less is more. A little touch up and I have a WINNER!

HappyUP!!! - screwdrivers
Why it happened -accumulation
Why it makes me happy -I had EIGHTEEN screwdrivers in my tool my kitchen! No wonder that drawer was not "sparking joy"! Handled that AND I took on the pen situation too (I AM a Pen Freak....I just love them!). I can't wait to do some cabinet reorganization

HappyUP!!! -window bracket
Why it happened -I made a call
Why it makes me happy - a replacement came in the mail....within about 10 minutes, it was installed! Why? See's not like I couldn't find a screwdriver!

HappyUP!!! -
Why it happened -
Why it makes me happy-

LP call
Truck registration
Window bracket
Tidying up drawers
My tailor
Icebreaker new member
Delivering my speech

Monday, May 27, 2019

HappyUP!!! Day 4790

HappyUP!!! - Family Barbecue                                  
Why it happened - birthdays and Memorial Day
Why it makes me happy -great times hanging with friends and family. The weather turned to perfection. Chill time

HappyUP!!! - getting my speech together
Why it happened - deadline
Why it makes me happy -I called upon my subconscious to give me the perfect story....twice. On both occasions, it overrode what I was going to speak on. This is going to be a good one. I LOVE tapping into my inner voice

HappyUP!!! - garage band recording
Why it happened -I took a class
Why it makes me happy - OK...I did this for extra credit with my Accountability Partner...but I also did it to "lock in" some learnings from a session I went to the other day. I have to sounded pretty cool for a guy who doesn't know what he is doing

HappyUP!!! - BatCaddy gone
Why it happened -friend picked it up
Why it makes me happy- it's not everything that needs to leave the garage...but it was something. I will work on that project next week....I am off to a start!

JE picking up BatCaddy
Family barbecue
My Accountability Partner
Garage Band recording
Video recording. 
Confirmation of a swap of services so we can get out certifications

Sunday, May 26, 2019

HappyUP!!! Day 4789

HappyUP!!! - the Nutter Cup                                  
Why it happened -we do it when we can
Why it makes me happy - it really is a blessing to be able to play golf with my brother and his adult boys at the level that we do. It is competitive and it is decent golf...but still fun....and the trash talk is light but still there. I am incredibly fortunate

HappyUP!!! - 3 wood on 18
Why it happened -I wish I could tell you
Why it makes me happy -the "A Game" wasn't there today...far from it. I kept battling. On the 18th fairway and the battle for the Nutter Cup hanging in the balance, I needed a solid three wood into the wind to put me in position to try to make a birdie. A three wood isn't always the easiest to hit when your game is totally on.  Keep in mind, my swing has not been cooperating much all day.  Out of absolutely nowhere, I hit what might be the best 3-wood of my life! It flew over the spot that I was hoping it would roll to! It was one of those nice surprises that golf brings once in awhile. Everything just synchs up and the result lets you see what you are capable of.

HappyUP!!! - a tidy kitchen
Why it happened -I keep working the plan
Why it makes me happy - I am going to keep this brief. This has been a work in progress...and I have been making progress in the creation and maintenance of this problem area. When I came home after the tough Nutter Cup loss, I got a nice uplift by the view when I walked in to eat. It "sparked joy" as our friend, Marie Kondo, would say.

2 putt 5....wedge 6...2 putt 7...hybrid 8...9 iron 10...6 iron 12....pitch/putt 13...putt 15...scramble par 16...up and down 17....3 wood on 18 (and the wedge after)

Nutter Cup time
Rain holding off
A nice game plan
Tidy kitchen

Saturday, May 25, 2019

HappyUP!!! Day 4788

It Most Certainly Can Be!
Convenience can be very efficient...just
make sure you are aware of the cost!
HappyUP!!! - A new office look                                  
Why it happened -I gave myself options
Why it makes me happy -I wouldn't have thought about going this way. With the right length of desk, this is looking like a strong possibility. I'm SO happy I didn't box myself in the other day with "furniture that just fit to fit."

HappyUP!!! - 4 birdies
Why it happened - some great play
Why it makes me happy -rolled in a tough downhiller on 2...blasted it over 4 but pitched back for a gimme...hit the nicest little finesse wedge to 9 ft on 10...and put a pitching wedge dead on line to 12 feet on 16. There was a lot of solid play out there. I can feel things coming around. Good things coming

HappyUP!!! - NO rain
Why it happened -the call changed
Why it makes me happy -I teed off expecting to get wet on the last hole...not a threat was seen. Played in enough of the wet stuff!

HappyUP!!! -Notability to photo figured out
Why it happened -just put the noggin to it
Why it makes me happy- THIS was the key thing I needed to do. is starting to hit full swing now!

Notability to photo
Bladey on iron/PUTT 2....playing 3....driver/3 wood/pitch 4...9 iron 5...driver/wedge 6...driver punch 6 on 7...wedge/putt 10...7 iron 12...50 yard wedge 13...bunker shot/sandie 16...7 iron 17....5 iron recovery/pitch 18
Lovely weather
No rain
Rearranging office

Friday, May 24, 2019

HappyUP!!! Day 4787

It doesn't have to be just needs to be done
well enough. Key word - DONE! Do something
MASSIVE today!
HappyUP!!! - 2 birdies                                  
Why it happened -I took advantage
Why it makes me happy -had it going through the front 9. I was ready to rock and roll through the back nine. became a Bad Back Back nine as the spinal system caused a bit of discomfort. Limped it home, did my best, and things will be better tomorrow

HappyUP!!! - Salmon Sandwich
Why it happened -grilling
Why it makes me happy -'s a good fish...and that sauce I make for it? Oh... underbar!

HappyUP!!! - food poisoning...YESTERDAY
Why it happened -the tuna yesterday wasn't as good as the salmon today
Why it makes me happy - the "sell by" date was yesterday. SHOULD have been fine...emphasis on the word SHOULD! The "sell by" date and the "Scott can eat by" dates didn't appear to match. Still, despite the discomfort, I got to thinking as I was finishing up last night's post. I actually had forgotten all about the TERRIBLE episode I had going on most of the afternoon and early evening. Why? Because SO MUCH good had happened that day that it had crowded out the bad. This wasn't Positive Mental Attitude....this was just a FANTASTIC way to look at things. It was also how this HappyUP!!! thing works!

Thursday, May 23, 2019

HappyUP!!! Day 4786

HappyUP!!! - a piece of writing                                 
Why it happened -inspiration from client
Why it makes me happy - I am no novelist...but...for a customized piece, I can turn a word/phrase or two. I'm happy with how this piece came together

HappyUP!!! - my annual card
Why it happened -it's part of the routine
Why it makes me happy - I deliver the flowers with a thoughtful note and Mrs E, with all of the class that is her, tops me with an even more thoughtful note. It's a waning art...and something people could gain a competitive advantage from

HappyUP!!! -new member application
Why it happened -she dug our meeting
Why it makes me happy -we lost a member recently....and have now replaced him. She is going to be a good one. Love her motivation!

HappyUP!!! -my client
Why it happened -I have those
Why it makes me happy-we did some QUALITY work today. Could it have been better? Sure. It always can. Despite that, a tremendous....GARGANTUAN step forward was taken today! So proud of my client's intrepidness and willingness to improve (and...she was pretty darn swell to begin with).

Morning Pages
TidyingUP!!! more
Getting vision
My new chair
Neighbor chat
Working in my new office

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

HappyUP!!! Day 4785

HappyUP!!! -  moving the office                                 
Why it happened - I got an idea
Why it makes me happy -saw some great furniture...but...why not look and see and FEEL how I work in my new space before rushing out to buy something "just because it fits the space."  SMART! Making discoveries already.  My new artwork looks great. I am inspired to create my own now. 

HappyUP!!! - Apple class
Why it happened -I am a learner
Why it makes me happy -what a great exposure to a new and unique way to use GarageBand. This is going to give me some options I hadn't thought of before. Matt was TREMENDOUS

HappyUP!!! - intake form returned
Why it happened -my client is ON IT
Why it makes me happy - this is going to be one GREAT session. The client put in the work...which allowed me to put in some extra work. 

HappyUP!!! - T-shirt test off the list
Why it happened - I made a note...and took action
Why it makes me happy- IF this works out when it comes, I have an entire stream of ideas for this situation. What an opportunity!!!

JollyJottings (nope, these aren't table scraps...just the below would make this a GREAT day)
John P is a guitar player
Msg from the universe
Morning Pages ideas
Knocking out accountability 
My memory device to remember a name WORKED! (after I thought it wouldn't)
My Canadian friend passing through

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

HappyUP!!! Day 4784

It all starts like this......

.........and with some luck and good care
HappyUP!!! - an Intrepid Guest                                  
Why it happened - people hear of the value of Toastmasters
Why it makes me happy - this lady jumped right in with both feet! First up in TableTopics and volunteered to fill a speaking slot next week....and she hasn't even joined yet

HappyUP!!! - furniture exploits
Why it happened -I made myself accountable
Why it makes me happy - probably could have taken it even farther today....but...hey...I took it a LONG WAY...much farther than planned

HappyUP!!! - return of the massage chair
Why it happened - I moved some furniture around
Why it makes me happy - I had forgotten just how good this technology is. This may be the weekend that I flip the switch

HappyUP!!! - my accountability partner part deus
Why it happened - it's part of the process
Why it makes me happy- this lady is accountable to is high who is deriving the benefit.

Monday, May 20, 2019

HappyUP!!! Day 4783 SHU!!!

How long have I been at this? - 4783 days?...not counting when I used to do this in a journal?
And I am just coming up with an acronym for SuperHappyUP!!! Days?  SHU is born.

Why so long? - I know exactly is because I am having so many superior days.

It's not like the other days were bad or weak - it is just that life keeps getting better and better and BEATING me over the head with great stuff!......

...every day!!! - but don't worry about me. I am pretty sure I can take it.

HappyUP!!! - Rowena                                 
Why it happened -she holds me accountable
Why it makes me happy -I am getting so much of the stuff done that I really want done. She is the perfect accountability partner. Great call today.....and I am going to stretch myself for next week

HappyUP!!! - collaboration at Home Depot
Why it happened -I asked
Why it makes me happy -they didn't have the specific thing I wanted. They suggested something else. I saw that didn't work. I said, "hey, a cat litter box would work." They said, "just go over to the plastic tote section"....voila.....HD doesn't have litter boxes but I got exactly what I needed

HappyUP!!! - M.I.A.
Why it happened - I saw it somewhere
Why it makes me happy - Massive Immediate Action . I'll do a separate post on that someday. It's better, at times, just to get it out there and done

HappyUP!!! - cauliflower
Why it happened -Vegan restaurant
Why it makes me happy- I'm not a vegan...but they didn't kick me out when I ended up at the restaurant on a total by chance basis. Buffalo Wing Cauliflower tacos. Delicious...but deep fried. I went, "what if I marinated cauliflower in a hot sauce at home and BBQ'd or stir fried?" I did the marination....and found out I have a new raw snack that is fabulous. Also, I could put them in a pan, heat them up, and deposit them into some greens (including the dreaded kale), and create a wonderful salad.

So much goodness going on, I couldn't even get to the leftovers below! - I'm stuffed!


Hobby Lobby
   -going back for pictures
   -Michelle the manager
LoAnne's , my tailor, dress
Bob-O stopping by with stretchers, $$$, and a visit
MV philosophy audio
Yard work
RTT Notes consolidated
Q-ballous....visit with Bob and outside and cherry on top of 2018
An overwhelming feeling of happiness re: my life

Sunday, May 19, 2019

HappyUP!!! Day 4782

HappyUP!!! - great night of sleep                                  
Why it happened - no dinner
Why it makes me happy - I think I was EXHAUSTED after the last three days of battling. I got in an uninterrupted 8 hours worth last night. I'm a 6.5 hour kinda guy. Once in awhile, my body says, "hey about a few extra winks."

HappyUP!!! - catching a situation
Why it happened - I was in the garden
Why it makes me happy - looks like my drainage plan didn't quite work out. My day was diverted but it was nice to do some tree trimming and a bit of pumping. Now, I just need a little break in the weather between now and tomorrow to finish up. Really happy to catch this now!

HappyUP!!! - indoor work
Why it happened - it was raining
Why it makes me happy - I wanted to do some garage work today. The weather just wasn't cooperating.....and I took full advantage. I am LOVING my new belief and outlook. I just keep nibbling away...occasionally I peel of a chunk.  The finish line isn't upon me...but it is coming.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

HappyUP!!! Day 4781

HappyUP!!! - beating the rain                                  
Why it happened - got lucky
Why it makes me happy - it was a tough day......but I was SOOOO happy to stay dry!

HappyUP!!! - great start
Why it happened - had it going a bit
Why it makes me happy - the swing wasn't quite where I needed it had a few moments. Trust me, I have days when there was nothing. At least there were a few QUALITY moves put on the ball

HappyUP!!! - a cancelation
Why it happened - people do that
Why it makes me happy - I was doing something for someone's benefit. It's what I do. Yet, there were things that I would have preferred to do. This was one of those times

HappyUP!!! - finding The Navigator
Why it happened - I was looking for something else
Why it makes me happy- hey, I saved $50....and I didn't have to replace something. Replacing a lost item is just the worst!

Friday, May 17, 2019

HappyUP!!! Day 4780

HappyUP!!! - HOT START!                                  
Why it happened - I was hitting some shots
Why it makes me happy - great birdie look on first hole...nice wedge and putt birdie second hole...fabulous 6 iron and putt third hole.......kept it going through 11. Nice bounce back for awhile

HappyUP!!! - the Horserace
Why it happened - we are good
Why it makes me happy - we got through the first two holes...and had a TREMENDOUS opportunity to get to the finals. It was a nice run

HappyUP!!! - meeting a SOLID former MLB player
Why it happened - I introduced myself
Why it makes me happy - nice guy....and he agreed to sit down and have a chat with me on some real subjects.     

HappyUP!!! - we were right there
Why it happened - great partnership
Why it makes me happy- at the end of the day, we stumbled. Hey, it happens! BUT, we had a lot of enthusiasm and great attitude right up to the end. The weather was UNBELIEVABLE! Very blessed time.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

HappyUP!!! Day 4779

HappyUP!!! - finishing strong                                
Why it happened -dug deep
Why it makes me happy -one of the worst rounds of the year...and it was in a tournament! Yikes. Yet, I hung in there and kept grinding. Made STELLAR shots on the last two holes and saved us a couple of points. We are hanging in there

HappyUP!!! - postponement
Why it happened -weather
Why it makes me happy - gave me a couple of hours to get some things back in order

HappyUP!!! - one putting to qualify
Why it happened - my partner and I are good putters
Why it makes me happy - we got into the finals....on the cheap!

HappyUP!!! - plus One confirmed
Why it happened - I put it out there
Why it makes me happy- this is going to be a great event for my friend...and we are going to have a great time at this event

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

HappyUP!!! Day 4778 ANOTHER SuperHappyUP!!! Day?!?!?

Didn't I just have one of those? - hey, who said there were limits to how many you can have. MAYBE I can take it to a "new normal."  I think I could handle it!

HappyUP!!! - winning the team putting contest                                  
Why it happened - we made 50% of our putts...and took another chance
Why it makes me happy - you were allowed three times...increased cost every time you do. My partner and I almost called it a day after the second try. Third time was a charm....we are the first winners of a side game at this prestigious invitational golf tournament!

HappyUP!!! - Home Depot
Why it happened - I needed to ROCK IT today
Why it makes me happy -I was in and out of there in 5 minutes...after getting there right when they opened! And....the Eeyore who helped me was SO eeyore that it was a comical way to start my day.

HappyUP!!! - The Invitational check in
Why it happened - tourney starts tomorrow
Why it makes me happy - this isn't my course but there were so many guys that I know. I am feeling right at home. Got new shoes as a tee prize and a nice pair of shorts. Hit some fabulous balls on the range. My game is in great shape. We basically won most of our entry fee back in the putting contest. My partner hit me with about $200 in nice SWAG!

HappyUP!!! - RTT work
Why it happened - I do that
Why it makes me happy- great conference calls. I lined up at least two clients today...maybe a well as nailing down a small corporate account.


Cabinets hung
Bel Air and getting the employee skinny
making all my calls
Got my plus-1 lined up
"...and that is because" text with a dear friend
FB posts -building the brand

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

HappyUP!!! Day 4777

HappyUP!!! -  golf game is starting to gel                                 
Why it happened - been working on it mentally
Why it makes me happy - my days of banging balls is OVER! My mental work is paying off in spades. The "feel" of a Scott from a younger day is returning. It is about muscle control, visualization, and the distribution of energy (yeah...physics are involved).

HappyUP!!! - sushi
Why it happened - my friend wanted dinner
Why it makes me happy - rather than bring something to the house, we ducked out for a bit of the raw fish. It had been awhile....delicious

HappyUP!!! - my Accountability Partners
Why it happened - we agreed to be accountable
Why it makes me happy - I am SO lucky. I KNOW what I am getting from them....and I KNOW they are getting as much, if not more, from me. It doesn't matter who gets more from each other. It's more important that we are all MORE because of each other.

HappyUP!!! - Toastmasters
Why it happened - I do that
Why it makes me happy- it really hit home today...another reason I do what I do and another possible payoff I never would have imagined (my AP pointed that out). 


Bro helping me out
Overcoming an eagle/birdie deficit and winning big
Tap in birdie and a gimme birdie
Finding another gear in my golf swing

Monday, May 13, 2019

HappyUP!!! Day 4776 SuperHappyUP!!! Day

WOW!!! - everything went FABULOUSLY well today! So much great stuff. If something bad happened today, I didn't notice because it got crowded out.....and THAT is the point of HappyUPping!

HappyUP!!! - BG call                                   
Why it happened - I emailed
Why it makes me happy -so glad he called. We are on the same page and looking forward to the Cabrillo. I am even getting a couple of nice shirts out of the deal!!! Winner!!! We will have a great time

HappyUP!!! - my accountability partner, R 
Why it happened -I do that
Why it makes me happy - had a great call. This accountability stuff really works!!!

HappyUP!!! - GM visit
Why it happened - he did me a favor
Why it makes me happy - I had a great thing to take to him. I was so lucky to catch him between appointments. Seeing him was an added benefit

HappyUP!!! - Passed my exam
Why it happened - you tell me
Why it makes me happy- I took this test before I was ready...and it wasn't multiple choice. It was a SHOCK (in the best of ways not to have to take again)

HappyUP!!! - found a transcription
Why it happened - I was looking for something else

Why it makes me happy- I thought I had lost a BUNCH of work. Soooo thankful and happy!

HappyUP!!! -errands run
Why it happened - gotta do em

Why it makes me happy- it just could not have been any smoother...and I got some Korean BBQ lunch (never done that) and it was delicious! 

HappyUP!!! - moving stuff around
Why it happened - accountability

Why it makes me happy- I wanted to get further...but I also delved into some other areas that needed tidying. We overestimate what we can get done in a day and underestimate what we can get done in a week. I'm not THERE yet...but, by end of the week, I will be in tall cotton!

Sunday, May 12, 2019

HappyUP!!! Day 4775

HappyUP!!! - BB, I found you                                  
Why it happened - I was cleaning stuff out
Why it makes me happy - I no longer have to wonder what happened to my autographed BB King pic! Perfect timing too as it WILL hang in my redone office!

HappyUP!!! -  Mothers Day drop off
Why it happened -it's a tradition
Why it makes me happy - LOVE sneaking this in in the early morning before she wakes up. I know she loves this too!

HappyUP!!! - help from the nephew
Why it happened - I asked
Why it makes me happy - nice to visit...and get the helping hand. 

HappyUP!!! - emptying out the junk
Why it happened - I am accountable
Why it makes me happy- I would never had gotten as far as I did without the deadline imposed upon me. I am kind of liking this accountability partner stuff!

Saturday, May 11, 2019

HappyUP!!! Day 4774

HappyUP!!! - riding                                  
Why it happened - Batcaddy issues
Why it makes me happy - the universe tried at least three times to tell me that it was time to ride today.....loud...Louder....REALLY LOUD! I love it when it does that. Enjoyed being off of my feet today. It gave me energy to.....

HappyUP!!! - in the yard
Why it happened - motivation 
Why it makes me happy - put away the TV and got some nice stuff done in the backyard today. Done? Oh, heck no, but I got some great ideas today. Plus....WOW!!! I am enjoying this spring while it is here...FABULOUS...STUNNING Days. This spring isn't a short one.

HappyUP!!! - even on the par 3's
Why it happened - quality shots
Why it makes me happy - these things can be buggars. Hit a couple of stunningly pure shots...especially that one to about 4 feet on 17 (HIT THE DANG PUTT!). 

HappyUP!!! - a nice win
Why it happened -my partner and I played well
Why it makes me happy-other than a couple of loose shots, I golfed it around pretty well today. My partner came through when it counted. ChaChing!

Friday, May 10, 2019

HappyUP!!! Day 4773

Lay Down guitar....hit 4 in two and near eagle....near ace on 17...Warriors win and Steph Curry...nice breeze for porch guitar...Post Vancouver call

HappyUP!!! -TWO near eagles                                   
Why it happened - skillz
Why it makes me happy - if birdies are the name of the game, eagles transcend it. Knocked it on 4 in two shots today...second time this year after not having done it in two years. Great putt that "porn starred it."  The gem was that 6 iron on 17....4 inches on the back of the HAD to have sniffed an ace as it went by.

HappyUP!!! - Lay Down Sally
Why it happened - new guitar
Why it makes me happy - who knows why I never learned this tune....sooooo easy to play the rhythm.  It's got a nice little "da da da da da da DA...duh duh duh duh duh duh DUH" lick in it that is easy and fun. That's my kind of tune

HappyUP!!! - porch time
Why it happened - nice breeze
Why it makes me happy - what a gorgeous evening to do a little front porch pickin with that cool evening breeze drifting in

HappyUP!!! - Warriors move on
Why it happened - Steph Curry in the end
Why it makes me happy- 0 points in the first hand....and 33 in the second...are you kidding me? Who does that? I will admit it. I was bagging on him and jokingly thinking how overrated he is. He basically stunk for the longest of time....but...not in crunch time. THAT dude is from another planet!

Thursday, May 09, 2019

HappyUP!!! Day 4772

The Cocoon
HappyUP!!! - A birth!                                   
Why it happened - I was expecting
Why it makes me happy - LOVE the new addition to the family. The Koa sounds so bright! It wreaks of happiness...even when strumming the blues

HappyUP!!! - carnitas quesadilla
Why it happened - went to the club
Why it makes me happy - what a great little break in the afternoon. I think I prefer the chicken but it was nice to try something new. 

HappyUP!!! - my client
Why it happened - I have those 
Why it makes me happy - did some solid work today. Worked on a case that was a little different. I used some new tools. The client was receptive and got some tremendous insight

Wednesday, May 08, 2019

HappyUP!!! Day 4771

HappyUP!!! - getting "pregnant"                                  
Why it happened - I fell in love in Toronto
Why it makes me happy - my new baby will be here tomorrow. I need to get the nursery ready. I have never owned a "dark" baby....beautiful Koa will make such bright music

HappyUP!!! - Rowena
Why it happened -I am accountable
Why it makes me happy -LOVE my accountability partner. She inspired me to kick some butt (my own) and get some things DONE. Working on two appointments already

HappyUP!!! - great morning
Why it happened - sometimes you just need to sleep on it
Why it makes me happy - I will admit it. I was feeling a little overwhelmed last night. I asked for respite before I hit the pillow. I woke up this morning READY! Sleep is the ultimate healer

HappyUP!!! - appointments
Why it happened - I booked them in
Why it makes me happy- my ELP mentor was awesome. I got some great info from my branding professional.  

Tuesday, May 07, 2019

HappyUP!!! Day 4670

HappyUP!!! - Hole In One                                  
Why it happened - a GREAT SHOT!
Why it makes me happy -...that it was my nephew that did it and that I was playing with him when he did. They say 80% of aces are bad shots or luck. This one was in the GREAT 20%! Perfect shot. I am so happy for him. I only have one ace. I know a lot of very good players who NEVER get this monkey off of their back

HappyUP!!! - making some birdies
Why it happened - good shots and nice putts
Why it makes me happy - birdies are the game. Had two...should have had a couple more as I missed largos. There is ALWAYS happiness around a birdie

HappyUP!!! - trip to the nursery
Why it happened - it's that time
Why it makes me happy - LOVE going on a crowds...time to browse around the different choices for ideas

HappyUP!!! - a little front yard maintenance
Why it happened - I got motivated
Why it makes me happy- yep, it was dark...that's what the porch light is for. I got myself a nice head start for tomorrow

Monday, May 06, 2019

HappyUP!!! Day 4669

HappyUP!!! - lunch with the champion                                  
Why it happened - he was hungry
Why it makes me happy - great fellowship time....and Thai food. It wouldn't be my first call but it was delicious. Sugar? Hmmm...I don't know...I don't think so. Mostly spicy. No matter. Great time

HappyUP!!! - family burger time
Why it happened - my bro got out the grill
Why it makes me happy - enjoyed playing with the grand-neph/neice and visiting with the famdamily.

HappyUP!!! - all set up for accountability
Why it happened - just got out in front of it
Why it makes me happy - nice to have that off of my I have a list

HappyUP!!! - research
Why it happened - a client
Why it makes me happy- ya know, if I only need to know the gist of things and I have a motivating reason, studying how certain parts of the body works is pretty interesting. I learned a lot about blood pressure regulation AND agavins today. THAT was not on my list to do when I started the day. Now, I need to apply some memory hacks so I can burn in what I learned.

Sunday, May 05, 2019

HappyUP!!! Day 4668

HappyUP!!! - lending equipment                                   
Why it happened - a request
Why it makes me happy - dude was really appreciative. It also gave me a chance to clean up the item. For some strange reason, it made me happy. Come to think of it, so did drying out my sink...and washing my cannisters. Hmmm

HappyUP!!! - finishing an exam
Why it happened - motivation
Why it makes me happy - the waiting game begins. No big. I get another crack at it if my comprehension isn't quite up to speed

HappyUP!!! - Adam Sandler
Why it happened - I taped SNL
Why it makes me happy - yeah....garbage question. Yet, there was one bit in there last night that was hysterical. It actually made me laugh till I cried

HappyUP!!! - my neice and MayBee
Why it happened -she was on a walk
Why it makes me happy- it was nice to get a chance to visit. I am glad that she stopped by and we got to do a few laps around the park. MayBee is even settling down a bit and actually had a little "lag in the leash" for a change. Perhaps I should fire up the "take her for a walk" program.

Saturday, May 04, 2019

HappyUP!!! Day 4667

HappyUP!!! - delivering the goods                                  
Why it happened - practice
Why it makes me happy - I went...I competed...I did it as well as I could...I did it better than the last time. People remember the topic and make comments and are likely to change behavior. I didn't get the trophy tonight...but I accomplished what a speech is supposed to do..IMPACT the audience and move them to change. It was also great to be supported by my buddy, LP.

HappyUP!!! - Valerie Alexander
Why it happened - she keynoted
Why it makes me happy - she delivered an excellent presentation. She had some very nice craft woven into her presentation. She did a fabulous call back. She has spent some time studying the art of speechmaking. After my presentation in the evening, she looked at me incredulously..."how were you not in the top 3?" Yeah...she is a professional speaker. She "gets it."

HappyUP!!! - Kentucky Derby
Why it happened - it's a tradition
Why it makes me happy - I LOVE controversy like this...especially when it should be no controversy at all. There was a violation. The announcers even said, "it would be a violation in a Wed stakes race but....."....well...there you go. A violation is a violation. 

HappyUP!!! - educational sessions
Why it happened - I went to the conference
Why it makes me happy- got some great stuff from the 2 sessions I attended. It was a fabulous morning.

Friday, May 03, 2019

HappyUP!!! Day 4666

HappyUP!!! - HOT start!                                  
Why it happened - some nice shots but a SWEET PUTT
Why it makes me happy - I partner LOOKED like we are to a profitable day. Optimism

HappyUP!!! - RTT
Why it happened -I am a practitioner
Why it makes me happy - clarity from a client and something off of my plate which will give me more time for study and preparation. I was also offered an opportunity for advanced study with peers. I will take all the training that I can get!

HappyUP!!! - quality day
Why it happened - the golf course
Why it makes me happy - weather could not have been prettier...and I got some time with my older nephew...had some good study before heading to the links. Just a great, low key day

Thursday, May 02, 2019

HappyUP!!! Day 4665

HappyUP!!! - 3 birdies                              
Why it happened - a great wedge, a bladey wedge, and a fantastic putt
Why it makes me happy - birdies are where it’s at....and today was a feast for my partner and I

HappyUP!!! - being NAILS after a brief layoff
Why it happened - mental work
Why it makes me happy - I used to be like most golfers, “I haven’t played in awhile so don’t expect much....” Now, you tell me how THAT attitude can do anything good except perhaps put salve on a bruised ego after playing poorly. Of course just saying, “I’m gonna play GREAT today!” might be better...but only marginally. It’s just an affirmation. You got to bring it from the inside....and I hit some shots that were as SOLID as it gets today. 

HappyUP!!! -front porch noodling
Why it happened - stupendous morning
Why it makes me happy - while being as respectful of the neighbors as possible, I did “let em ring” a bit today. How could I not? It was too perfect outside

JollyJottings...Solid Golf...Huge Win...Playing with the Pro...that bladey wedge...lots of good wedges...gorgeous weather...getting some study done...electronic taxes...getting grounded again...front porch noodling...3 birdies