Monday, December 17, 2018

HappyUP!!! Day 4529

HappyUP!!! - host/hostess gift procured
Why it happened - hey, I surprised myself!
Why it makes me happy - the venue is a week away! I haven’t even been invited yet. I just happened to be on the part of town where I could get something....and I actually made the extra stop! Will this be a stress free Xmas? It will be if I keep......

HappyUP!!! - ...made Christmas progress
Why it happened - it was a nice day for it
Why it makes me happy - my “thing” can be simple...but a bit involved. Easy to run out of time. I still have some writing and wrapping to do...but those are the easy parts.  What? I have a week to go? Man, I am amazing this year.  I will have to throw in some last minute changes/upgrades to challenge myself

HappyUP!!! - finding something great in the trash
Why it happened - Christmas
Why it makes me happy - yeah, I had to do a “dumpster dive” of my own stuff....but I found what I needed! What a crack up this will be

HappyUP!!! - the printer shop
Why it happened - my printer has been a bad boy
Why it makes me happy- nice guy....he’s been in business forever. I’ve used him a couple of times. He seems like a fair dude.  My printer should work better than it does.  I’ll get the verdict on it tomorrow. It’s just nice to have a place to go when this issue arises

Squeeze Box.     Lots of Xmas progress.    Renee.    Smoothie help
Driving the Red Beast.   Hostess gift procured....a week in advance...look at me
Quick trip to Sac
Getting caught up on classes

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