Friday, July 20, 2018

HappyUP!!! Day 4379

HappyUP!!! - chip in on 8
Why it happened - skillz
Why it makes me happy - it was a basic chip shot...and it was struck perfectly...with perfect was in as soon as it landed on the green

HappyUP!!! - Matt M
Why it happened - he needed a game
Why it makes me happy -always nice to meet an affable fellow. It seems like he had a good time as we made him feel at home

HappyUP!!! - scorecard template
Why it happened -I was watching The Open
Why it makes me happy -I multi-tasked and put together a nice little document that I can use for years to come.....and solve the issue of....."'re an 8?....9?" ...from occurring in the first fairway.

HappyUP!!! - withholding
Why it happened -I have restraint
Why it makes me happy- I am not on Facebook much at all. I visited today. A liberal gal had a picture of a whale from a trip they are on and she went, "I could just give it a hug..." or something like that. Others tagged on. My first thought was, "I wonder how many sushi rolls you could make out of that?".....but I didn't say it!!!!

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