Tuesday, July 17, 2018

HappyUP!!! Day 4376

WOW!!! - this was a really good day.....I didn't even get to LP helping me out and giving me a ream of paper.....scheduling a GREAT appointment with M. R........some GREAT thought/writing/prep time ....broccoli rice dish I threw together....the reception my new wireless got at club....KR stepping up at the club in the most needed of ways.....J.R. knocking it out of the park with TT's.  It didn't stop there. Just may have been a ........


HappyUP!!! - D. C. 
Why it happened - he was a guest
Why it makes me happy -he will now be a member

HappyUP!!! - BB
Why it happened -she returned an email with a call
Why it makes me happy -so fab chatting with this lady. We had lost touch. She is one of those people that has a place a little "closer to the center" of my radar screen. Not due to excessive quantity of time...but quality of that time and the kind of person that she is

HappyUP!!! -J
Why it happened - I needed a notary
Why it makes me happy - so wonderful to have a friend do me a good turn when I was in need. Her assistance pretty much marked the END of a process that needed to happen. It was a process that has been YEARS in coming to fruition.  Just a super favor and a nice little visit!

HappyUP!!! -out of the hospital
Why it happened - who knows
Why it makes me happy-my buddy usually spends a few days there after such a procedure. He is healing at home now.....and....for that.....my heart bursts with joy

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