Wednesday, December 29, 2010

HappyUP!!! Day 1430

HappyUP!!! - a good podcast
Why it happened - I saw a friend was going to be on one
Why it makes me happy - it was no new news....but it was good news to be reminded of...and very mind expanding. Good time of the year to hear it

HappyUP!!! - call from my buddy
Why it happened - I shot him a text
Why it makes me happy - we hadn't talked for a bit....and it's always great to catch up and shoot the breeze with a bestie.

HappyUP!!! - breakfast
Why it happened - I had to eat
Why it makes me happy - I ordered the French Toast. When was the last time I had French Toast? I couldn't remember....but it was deeeeeelicious.

HappyUP!!! - getting ready for fun
Why it happened - great day planned for tomorrow
Why it makes me happy - it's exciting when you have an adventure to go on....and you don't quite have all the stuff....and you are figuring out what you need, what you don't, what might add to the experience.


A good podcast...mind expanding
A good quote
A call from my buddy
Finding some great outerwear
Getting ready for fun!
A couple of jack tacos

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