Tuesday, March 02, 2010

HappyUP!!! Day 1130

HappyUP!!! - Toastmasters
Why it happened - it was Tuesday
Why it makes me happy - we had a guest return.....and another guest pay his first visit.....and we had another great meeting

HappyUP!!! - getting it all done
Why it happened - a little rain helped
Why it makes me happy - I had a LOT of stuff to get done yesterday........and pretty much did. I was on a bit of a deadline. Now, with rain and no golf today, I think I will just relax

HappyUP!!! - new song idea
Why it happened - I don't know...they just surface
Why it makes me happy - while there can be a degree of work to finish, I always love the scratch track process of writing a new tune. Got tune from conception to scratch in about an hour today....that's good stuff.
Why it makes me happy -


Helpful store clerk

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