Monday, November 23, 2009

HappyUP!!! Day 1031

HappyUP!!! - finding music files
Why it happened - I dug around
Why it makes me happy - I am making the PC to Mac conversion. All of my CD's have been burned into my old computer. They didn't all come over in my initial migration. I was able to poke around and get most, if not all of them. It's a LOT faster and easier to move a file than to re-burn a disk. I hate doing things twice.....not sure I would have been happy reloading all my CD's. VERY happy with the progress I made today

(See the photo above?.....that's no theatrical backdrop behind that cool was that venue last week? - this is Kirby Keough's guitar on an open air stage in Kauai)

HappyUP!!! - sharing my stuff
Why it happened - I have stuff
Why it makes me happy - my buddy needed to borrow some equipment of mine. I went one better, "no problem and, while your here, I'll cut my steak in half and feed you too!" No, I am no saint but it makes me feel good to feed others.....especially when they don't expect it.

HappyUP!!! - mowing the lawn
Why it happened - it was a lovely afternoon
Why it makes me happy - there is something about being out on a crisp autumn afternoon and doing some light work. Mowing fits the bill. Then, when done, all the leaves are gone.....the grass is a uniform height.......a new pleasing aroma has been created.....there are a lot of senses being touched and I soaked it in.


Mowing the lawn
Sharing a steak with a buddy
Sharing my equipment
Stogie and his sleeping
Finding some music files

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