Tuesday, November 17, 2020

HappyUP!!! Day 5333

HappyUP!!! - RTT chat
Why it happened -we did an assessment
Why it makes me happy - we made a VERY serious breakthrough! It was something to give my client something to think about. 

HappyUP!!! - 2 great speeches
Why it happened -we do that
Why it makes me happy -both of our speakers really BROUGHT IT today. Most of the time, there is a clear winner. I had trouble voting today.

HappyUP!!! - really understanding the imbalance
Why it happened -I heard something
Why it makes me happy -it is a very interesting perspective about our country. The left owns virtually all of the media....and entertainment.  Additionally, the tech world has decided that it is more likely that the politicians will leave them alone if they pour money to the left. Yeah, there is money that goes into the right from conservative businesses.....but the left controls virtually all day to day exposure. Fascinating

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