Wednesday, October 24, 2018

HappyUP!!! Day 4475

HappyUP!!! - near eagle
Why it happened -found a little skill
Why it makes me happy -THAT 9 iron took off like a low laser heat seeking missile. Landed right in front of the hole, took a hop and hit the lip, and zipped to a stop 3 feet behind. Easy birdie

HappyUP!!! - guitar stuff
Why it happened -I noodle around
Why it makes me happy - made progress on a new lick. Also heard from a teacher friend...he's having challenges but I think he will get through....and be better

HappyUP!!! - another Dodger spanking
Why it happened -it's the World Series
Why it makes me happy - I'm a SF Giants fan....nuff said? Yeah...I thought so

HappyUP!!! -
Why it happened -
Why it makes me happy-

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