Monday, October 08, 2018

HappyUP!!! Day 4459

HappyUP!!! - WW2 research
Why it happened - I was curious about something
Why it makes me happy -I got a bit of an eye opener

HappyUP!!! - finding a luthier
Why it happened -I need one
Why it makes me happy - this person got some great reviews...and local. Can't wait to hook up

HappyUP!!! -holding off of Facebook
Why it happened -I show restraint
Why it makes me happy -I rarely go to that site. I landed there because of the luthier search. My oh my....if anyone tells me I have TMTOMH (Too Much Time On My Hands) and they have a Facebook account, I have some great material to use. Was happy to be above the garbage!

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