Thursday, January 31, 2008

HappyUP!!! Day 369

- recruiting dinner
Why it happened - I made the call
Why it makes me happy - I really enjoyed getting to know this person on a business and personal level. The dinner was excellent. The conversation better.

HappyUP!!! - vendor call
Why it happened - who knows...totally out of the blue
Why it makes me happy - I have been underutilizing a piece of technology for some time. I kept meaning to call this company. This person appeared out of nowhere.

HappyUP!!! - ride to the airport
Why it happened - my car was at the airport
Why it makes me happy - when you are a single person, getting awkward rides during the day can often be a challenge. Today, I got lucky....I even got some errands in that required another driver to be involved. I got a ride, errands done, and good company.


Vendor call
Recruiting dinner
Ride to the airport
Getting truck serviced
Picking up glasses

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