Friday, May 22, 2020

HappyUP!!! Day 5154

HappyUP!!! - being a model
Why it happened -I stepped up
Why it makes me happy -I'm a bit farther along than my classmates. I recognize this so I allow them most of the speaking in the sessions. Eventually, however, I get called on...and, when I do, I deliver. Even the instructor said, "man, I want a transformational recording from you."  Me: aw, shucks was nothing.

HappyUP!!! -learning even more about transformational recordings
Why it happened -I train and I listen
Why it makes me happy -I think this has been a strength of my practice. It's just going to get better. PLUS, I learned a new technique for organizing my session notes that is going to be VERY helpful to improving my client's experience even more

HappyUP!!! - Golfing
Why it happened - I caught a break
Why it makes me happy -I was SO happy that training got changed around a little. It let me get back out there with what HAS to be my favorite group to play with....or one of them. Love all my guys. This group was fantastic

HappyUP!!! - birdie on 5
Why it happened -pretty cute knock down shot
Why it makes me happy - my new irons have been was nice to manipulate this little hold off with the wind blowing.....and then make the putt!

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