Friday, May 15, 2020

HappyUP!!! Day 5147

HappyUP!!! - flank steak
Why it happened - I was hungry
Why it makes me happy - the club did it again. Great stopping by and giving support

HappyUP!!! - chatting with an old buddy
Why it happened -he was there
Why it makes me happy -great to get caught up on stuff. We don't always see things the same way.... but close enough. Bright dude!

HappyUP!!! - gardening
Why it happened -I do that
Why it makes me happy - nice to turn a little dirt today...just a little. Nice to be outside

HappyUP!!! - mowing
Why it happened -it was late...and rain is coming
Why it makes me happy - I just love how I just all of a sudden "get stuff done." Yeah, I'd like to be "planned out" a bit more....but got done!

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