Tuesday, March 24, 2020

HappyUP!!! Day 5095

HappyUP!!! - virtual meeting
Why it happened -social distancing
Why it makes me happy -NOPE.....not perfect...far from it! I so screwed up something but I was happy to figure out the error and get the meeting started, albeit late. Everyone understands and is learning something new

HappyUP!!! - loaning stuff
Why it happened -my friend was in need
Why it makes me happy -glad I had what he needed. I hope it works out for him. I did some testing. It is going to be a good solution.

HappyUP!!! - Gobor Mate'
Why it happened -continuing education
Why it makes me happy -I REALLY got an education today about a lot of things. This dude has "walked the talk" and what he shares aligns with another modality that I work in.

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