Sunday, August 28, 2011

HappyUP!!! Day 1669

"And good is good enough. Not even happy people are happy all the time. That’s not life. That’s not even a good Disney movie."

HappyUP!!! - self-care
Why it happened - I was treated
Why it makes me happy - how happy do you think "my dawgs" were after this

-------------"ah....thank you master" -the dawgs

HappyUP!!! - brekko
Why it happened - all part of the birthday week
Why it makes me happy - fantabulous and grantastic idea to go out for a leisurely Sunday brekko. Great sharing time

HappyUP!!! - flip flops
Why it happened - I had to prep for the above
Why it makes me happy - I'm not a huge flip flop fan....but...really...everyone should own a pair....and, for the first time in forever, now I do.....really nice comfy ones.'s the simple things that I appreciate.


Flip Flops
Foot Attention
Trip by an old haunt
Wonderful afternoon
Dodged 100

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