Saturday, August 13, 2011

HappyUP!!! Day 1657

HappyUP!!! - great four today
Why it happened - we throw it out there today
Why it makes me happy - we could have only been three...but we had a 4th come to us because of our attractive group. We have great chemistry in our group

HappyUP!!! - bunker shot 17
Why it happened - I know how to hit that one...skills
Why it makes me happy - when you bury a shot into the sand on an upslope, there is a counter-intuitive thing you have to do to extract this "impossible" shot. It's really not that hard...just so many won't accept it. I it up and in...and made some dough

HappyUP!!! - hearing from an old pal
Why it happened - I was thought of
Why it makes me happy - you throw them out (I hope you do) on occasion to people in your past. I got this one today and went, "hey....blast from the past!" Reconnection....always a HappyUP!!! when it's about quality peeps


3 shots into 1.....wedge to 4....6 iron 5....wedge to 6....putt on 7....wedge to 10...pitch 12...6 iron 15....bunker shot 18

Great group today
Getting done early
Consulting with friends
Hearing from an old pal

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