(A special post for my friends over at SundayScribblings)
"Oh God....I'm late" - when I think of this malaise that drifts upon us from time to time, I think about the state that puts most people in.
Then, I think about the HappyUP!!! concept - that I promote here.
When running late - we seem to go into a trance. All we notice are things that will now make us more late.
"Where are my keys" - "dang it, I snagged my nylons.....another red light....what is going to happen? I'm going to be in trouble, etc......"
Go there - right now. Imagine that you are late. Get that sense of chaos....a total lack of peace. Can you feel the anxiety?
What are the odds that you will notice a HappyUP!!! - during that funk.
And a funk is all it is - and a very dangerous one at that. You don't think well....drive well....function well. It is just a funk brought on, not by being late, but by yourself. Doubt me? Go back a couple of lines....you weren't late. You artificially put yourself there.
What do you do? - a couple of things to remember
First - the easiest way to run out of time is to have too much of it. How many times have you had an appointment to go to, looked at your watch, and then said, "oh, I still have a half an hour." DANGER, Will Robinson! You will go on to something else and the next thing you know it is FORTY minutes later. Be careful whenever you get yourself in this position and be vigilant to your clock if you MUST be on time.
Second - call ahead. "Sorry....I just ran out of morning. It looks like I need to push back fifteen minutes." You say fifteen minutes when you KNOW you will only run FIVE minutes late. Guess what you just did? You took being late, turned it around, and now you will run early from the time you renegotiated the agreement. NO need to stress.
"Honey, guess what.....my monthly blessing is running late" - guys, I am usually a lot of help and can dispense a lot of wisdom. When this kind of late happens, I don't know what to tell you! Go buy some cigars?
Want to experience more happiness in your life? - go here and find out what HappyUP!!! is all about. Give me 21 days and you will change your life.
Great advice. Now if I could just find my watch . . . Actually, sometimes I purposefully take my watch OFF. It leads to an entirely different sense of time!
Gotta love this post! It's a little like Murphy's law -... :)
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