(Action photos from yesterday's ciopinno feed)
HappyUP!!! - a warm kitty
Why it happened - I let Shadow in last night
Why it makes me happy - I don't usually let the outdoor kitties in. It was cold last night so I took a chance. Shadow burrowed right in and provided an extra blanket for the Nutster. She was great....no excess kneading or licking. Ever had a warm kitty sleep on you on a cold night.......there is something about that purr
HappyUP!!! - golfing with my E & J
Why it happened - E hooked it up
Why it makes me happy - it was free!...at a different golf course. It was chilly teeing off but turned into a very nice day. I hit a lot of quality shots.....including a driver and 8 iron into the par 5 18th to about 15 feet. Nope, didn't make the eagle but it was an easy birdie. Lots of reasons to be happy
HappyUP!!! - breakfast out
Why it happened - it was a pre-golf meal
Why it makes me happy - I love eating at my breakfast place....just love it. I met E there before we took off to the golf course. Good conversation....and anticipation.
Free golf
Drive 1, 2, 4
5 iron from sand
Wedge on 8
Wedge on 12
Driver...8 iron on 18
6 iron
A beautiful day...after being cold
A warm kitty
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