What do you see off to the left? - it's "Happy,"....the official mascot of Nutter's Notes.
I was doing a little work - on the logo today and thought, "hey, how come I never post this to the website?"
....so there you have it - in subsequent days when I have no picture, look forward to seeing the haberdashery that Happy likes to sport. He has quite the array of headgear.
HappyUP!!! - breakfast with a friend
Why it happened - I was invited
Why it makes me happy - my friend paid! ......OK....that's not the real reason....funny though. You can thank me for giving you a HappyUP!!! on that one. We had an enjoyable discussion about many things.
HappyUP!!! - helping another friend
Why it happened - my friend called me
Why it makes me happy - I am glad that I am in the position to have helped today. I also got to visit with my friend briefly.
HappyUP!!! - rubber boots
Why it happened - I was over near a WalMart running an errand......
Why it makes me happy -....when I said, "I wonder if WalMart would have rubber boots." I popped in.....and in just a few minutes, I owned a pair of rubber boots. This is going to allow me to trudge along out in the garden this winter without bringing too much winter into the house.....or getting any of it on my socks.
Seeing a friend
Doing a favor for a friend
Rubber boots
Getting something ordered
Stock I bought yesterday
Hearing from my old friend, C
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