OK...I am stating it officially - I don't get it. I have never understood why people hang this placard in their window.
I also thought - this craze was done but THIS was parked next to me the other day.
What are these people trying to say?
1) "We know how to have sex and have the equipment to produce offspring"
2) "Hey, black market baby kidnappers.....we have potential inventory....right here....ON BOARD!"
3) "Hey, drivers. You should drive more carefully around us because of what we are carrying."
My guess? - is that it is number 3..............to which I scoff.....and probably drive more risky and tailgate around this buggy.
Think about it - these people think that I should care more about the safety of their spitting/pooping machine than I do for my own. YES....that is what they are saying. They want me to drive safer when their hatchling is in my presence than when I am just driving on my own.
......it's a degree of arrogance - that really has no place in society. These people actually think that OTHER drivers care more about the byproduct of their horizontal activities than the driver cares about themselves.
If caution is what they want - I suggest these people (I don't like the term sub-humans) post "Huge Explosive Propane Tanks ON BOARD".....
..................THAT will get my attention and keep me on my toes.
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