Friday, October 09, 2015

HappyUP!!! Day 3441

HappyUP!!! - Black Mass
Why it happened - got an invitation
Why it makes me happy- I had wanted to see this movie. It wasn't quite as dark as I thought it would be....which was a good thing.  We had a great time!

HappyUP!!! - golf with bro
Why it happened -it was his Invitational
Why it makes me happy - always great to play with bro...especially in tournament situations.

HappyUP!!! - our playing partners
Why it happened - gotta be paired with someone
Why it makes me happy - most people you get paired with are usually OK. Some can be real jerks. We got a great pairing today in Bob and Limbo. Lots of fun...and some excellent golf

HappyUP!!! - bringing home the dough
Why it happened - played good enough
Why it makes me happy - we almost won it all....missed by a mere stroke. Nice little pay day!

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