Tuesday, February 04, 2014

HappyUP!!! Day 3000...THREE THOUSAND!!! WHAT?!?!

What do ya think? I've seen worse looking
toups!  My darn cat is soooo cute!

Where's the confetti? - do I hear a marching band playing in the background?  it's a MILESTONE here at Nutter's Notes!!!!

What a wonderful journey - it has been!

So MANY lessons learned in the process - one is that I am kind of known as "Mr HappyUP!!!"  You know what....there are far WORSE things to be known for than that! As a matter of fact, there actually could be a few deranged souls out there that might think something FAR less of me!  (Oh well...I can't do anything about their poor taste! LOL)

No matter - people think what they think....and...overall....it's been overwhelmingly positive.  So many people have said, "hey....that is a cool thing...and I have started trying it."

Another thing learned - others in life are happier than me. Others in life are less happy than me. NEITHER of those matter.  It's all about continuing to perform an intervention upon oneself that forces one to either RAISE one's own bar.....or to at least not allow it to slip.

Yep, I admit - there have been days during this project where I go, "it doesn't seem like there was that much exciting or anything that really made me happy today." .........

.....THERE is the "AHA!!!! Moment" - and the point of the process.   WHEN that feeling creeps in, it's a whack to the side of the head saying, "Nutter, you obviously aren't paying close enough attention to life unfolding around you." .....

....and get back on the ball - the unpleasant things in life will SCREAM for your attention...you will notice them.  You should notice them.  There is probably an action that needs to be taken. Of course, the unpleasant should only get the attention it needs to handle the issue....and not a drop more

The happiest people - naturally see all the pleasant.  A large part of happiness is genetics.  Nothing any of us can do about that.......BUT......

....we can all work - to become HAPPIER.  It is what all of this has been about......for 3000 days.

HappyUP!!! - Carissa and Sydney back
Why it happened - schedule cleared?
Why it makes me happy - LOVE the youth movement of our club....and when these young ladies are back in the midst

HappyUP!!! - hygenist
Why it happened - perio
Why it makes me happy - this gal is a GRINDER....but it's good.....it's a fun time in the chair while, at the same time, I get a reminder to stay on top of things

HappyUP!!! - Jimboys idea
Why it happened - I was in the hood
Why it makes me happy - don't do it often....but just LOVE this place. GREAT post-perio lunch

HappyUP!!! - tidying up a project
Why it happened - over due
Why it makes me happy - while overdue....it's not a missed deadline. It's done now....under budget


Kathy C's speech
Carissa and Sydney Back
"Tall sister" Alecia guest...funny
Jaime as table topics
Hygenist Tina
Swapping appointments
Jimboys idea
Germanos project

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