Wednesday, December 28, 2011

HappyUP!!! Day 1791

HappyUP!!! - pitch shot on 17
Why it happened - a little skill...and a little luck
Why it makes me happy - I hit a great shot into this par 3......too great...I was 15 yards over the green! The shot now required chipping on to the top of a hill...and then the ball gently roll through the tall it just had enough speed to get on the green. From there, it didn't have a lot of room to slow down. I hit the ball....walked up the hill....just in time to see the ball gently roll toward the cup.....and gently rim it. A lipout!!! THAT was a moneymaker!

HappyUP!!! - birthday dinner with 12 friends
Why it happened - it was a birthday
Why it makes me happy - sooooooo much fun and good warm times

HappyUP!!! - meeting a new friend
Why it happened - my buddy had a guest out
Why it makes me happy - the guest ended up being my partner....and we won. Plus, he is a grea guy!


Chip/putt 3...4...6...7...8....9...
Pitch shot 17
Drive hybrid 1....18
Bunker shot 11.....12
Lifting a few bucks from my friends
Meeting a new friend Dave
Birthday dinner with friends
Dinner itself

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