Sunday, September 18, 2011

HappyUP!!! Day 1690

Why it happened - they always close out Music In The Park
Why it makes me happy - much fun was that? Dancing in the the dark...seeing so MANY friends....had a couple of little buddies with me...AWESOME NIGHT!

HappyUP!!! - the Stizz
Why it happened - see above
Why it makes me happy - Stizz is the keyboardist in the band....and a good friend of mine...I hadn't seen him since I hired him to do a wedding earlier this year ( did a great job for the kids.....let me know if you need a piano player at any gig you got...he is the consumate professional). It was great getting caught up backstage with my friend/music teacher

HappyUP!!! - winning Fantasy Golf
Why it happened - I had the hot hand this week
Why it makes me happy -'s a win against 5 other guys....great to get it....I'll make dough this year


Drive/wedge 1......8 iron 5....5 iron iron 9.....wedge 10.....6 iron 12...hybrid 14....9 iron 15....putt 16....putt 17.....18th
Mumbo Gumbo...and time with my friend Steve
Dancing like crazy...what a blast
Seeing so many friends
Gorgeous morning
Winning Fantasy Golf
New book
Time with the guys before golf

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