Thursday, September 08, 2011

HappyUP!!! Day 1680

HappyUP!!! - finished an awesome book
Why it happened - devoted some time
Why it makes me happy - I learned a lot of history in reading this one that will serve me

HappyUP!!! - a great "how to"
Why it happened - I did some research
Why it makes me happy - neat little project that I was going to hire out......but...I now understand the logic and science....I should be able to take this one on

HappyUP!!! - doing "that stuff"
Why it happened - a rare clear calendar day
Why it makes me happy - you know "that stuff"....that you can put off....cuz you really don't want to do's not pressing just needs to get done? Today, a lot of it did! And it just makes ya feel good!


Finishing awesome book
Good day for doing "that stuff"
Great information on a "how to" I need to do

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