Monday, September 05, 2011

HappyUP!!! Day 1677

HappyUP!!! - Great Lunch
Why it happened - my friends invited
Why it makes me happy - a wonderful lunch with two of my favorite people...HappyUP!!! Labor Day

HappyUP!!! - bunker shots 12/14
Why it happened - skills?
Why it makes me happy - one was an unlikely par....the other was an unlikely birdie. Love it when the unlikely becomes reality

HappyUP!!! - keeping it all close
Why it happened - we changed plans
Why it makes me happy - wow!....I saw what was going on out on those thanks! Happy to be keeping it tight with those around me.


Pars on 1 and 2.....punch on 9....8 iron 10....bunker shot 12....bunker shot 14...9 iron 15
Lovely Labor Day weather
GREAT lunch with friends
So much love in the air
NOT fighting traffic

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