Wednesday, April 13, 2011

HappyUP!!! Day 1535 Wed

HappyUP!!! - a capricious shower
Why it happened - it's weather
Why it makes me happy - we've gotten a lot of rain this year. It would be easy to lament about how tired we are of the rain. Yet, it's been a little bit since the last time. It was kind of nice to see some gentle rainfall. This could be it for awhile.

HappyUP!!! - Toastmasters
Why it happened - it's Wed
Why it makes me happy - three great speeches and a VERY well run meeting by "the kids." I KNOW that the product they are putting out is starting to compete in quality with ANY TM club in the district. THAT is what I was brought in to assist with.

HappyUP!!! - slipping in a quick 9
Why it happened - the weather got nice
Why it makes me happy - I was able to duck out there and play 9 in a little over an gorgeous weather. I didn't play too well but it was just good to get out there.


Capricious shower
Toastmasters speeches
Giving feedback....and getting feedback on it
Slipping in a quick 9 holes

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