Friday, October 08, 2010

HappyUP!!! Day 1348

HappyUP!!! - solid chipping practice
Why it happened - my buddy called me
Why it makes me happy - at the end of our session, another buddy came up that noticed a flaw for me to work on. This buddy knows what he is talking about. Can't wait to get back to work.

HappyUP!!! - Giants vault to a lead
Why it happened - they got off to a great start
Why it makes me happy - well, it didn't have a happy ending.....but it was exciting when they were up 4-0 early on the Braves. When they get that lead, they usually hold it.

HappyUP!!! - lunch
Why it happened - my buddies wanted to eat
Why it makes me happy - it was some great conversation around the bread breaking.

HappyUP!!! - visit from my friend
Why it happened - had to do a pickup
Why it makes me happy - we had a great exchange of info

HappyUP!!! - putting contest
Why it happened - we were out practicing
Why it makes me happy - I made some critical putts....and wond some dough....coming from behind.


A Hamburger
A putting contest
Stunning weather
Giants going up 4-0
Solid chipping practice

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