Friday, January 29, 2010

HappyUP!!! Day 1098

HappyUP!!! - lunch with a buddy
Why it happened - we set it up
Why it makes me happy - this is an old industry friend. My friend brought along their daughter who I hadn't seen in a nice young lady she has become! It was absolutely awesome to spend time in their presence.

HappyUP!!! - booking it with my buddy
Why it happened - we had been e-mailing
Why it makes me happy - I'll spend some time Monday night with the guy that taught me how
to play guitar 30 years ago....we'll play some tunes....and go over a project...I'm stoked

HappyUP!!! - practicre session
Why it happened - I forced myself out there
Why it makes me happy - had a productive hour and a half working on the chipping and putting...I have a feeling the putter is going to be coming around very nicely. Couldn't believe how well I was stroking it.


Chat with Jeffy
Chat with CG
Texting with a dear friend
Lunch with a friend and daughter
"CalPers is my new best friend"

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