Monday, January 18, 2010

HappyUP!!! Day 1087

HappyUP!!! - not having to work today
Why it happened - I'm retired
Why it makes me happy - I are saying, "how can that be a HappyUP!!! when you never work?" Well, I used to work for the mortgage division of a bank. Title companies were closed.....the bank was closed...we were open. Because I was one of the so called "big bosses", I felt I had to show the staff that, "yes, as much as I don't like it, we're open." While these were usually "light" days, I still had to be there and I didn't care much for it. I am so happy on these days not to worry about it that it is beyond belief

HappyUP!!! - unclogging the downspouts
Why it happened - it was pouring
Why it makes me happy - I don't know why I don't do preventitive maintenance on the gutters. I don't think I have ever cleaned out a gutter when I wasn't wearing a raincoat. Today was more of the same. I had clogged spouts everywhere. While being pelted by the deluge is not my idea of a good time, the second I grabbed the clog and the water started pouring through, there was an instant rush of, "....I fixed it." Yeah....that makes me happy. Hey, call me a cheap date but it really did make me happy.

HappyUP!!! - some Starbucks and morning reflection
Why it happened - I woke up with a strange bittersweet/meloncholy feeling
Why it makes me happy - it didn't take long for me to figure out the source of the discomfort in my gut. By and large, I am a thinker....I have very few regrets. Yesterday, I had mistreated someone....not horribly....the other person probably didn't even know it. But...I least, upon reflection. When I figured it out, I did my best to close whatever loop I had opened.


Not having to work on this day
Some good morning reflection
Trading an e-mail with a wonderful friend
Meeting up peeps throughout the day
Unclogging the downspouts

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