Thursday, October 24, 2019

HappyUP!!! Day 4941

HappyUP!!! - amp trick
Why it happened -I talked to a guitar god
Why it makes me happy -who would have thought...plugging my tiny little practice "personal" amp...into my "regular amp that I hate and never gives me the sound I want"....would cure the entire problem. I got a nice buzz going on now...without having to spend a dime

HappyUP!!! - client session
Why it happened -I help people
Why it makes me happy -THIS client is going to be the testomonial of all time. I did some great work!

HappyUP!!! -"fixing" my dishwasher
Why it happened -I looked at owners manual
Why it makes me happy -I have had this problem before...but my previous cures were not working. The solution?...oh...don't ended up being "close the door harder"! Saved myself $80 on that little check

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