Sunday, October 13, 2019

HappyUP!!! Day 4930

HappyUP!!! - filling the group
Why it happened -my nephew changed his schedule
Why it makes me happy -he was my partner. Unfortunately, my streak ended today...but we got out with minimal damage!

HappyUP!!! - bro's play
Why it happened -he has his moments
Why it makes me happy -a net 64 is golfing your ball! ....and a lot more fun. Glad to see him do it... even though he was my opponent

HappyUP!!! - great walk
Why it happened - I'm going to get back on this
Why it makes me happy - walking is the first step toward running a bit. We shall see what the body says about that. I had it going a few years back...6 miles with no issues. I'm about....uh.....6 miles from being there. Looking forward to "laying down some base" and see what happens. Close the year out strong!

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