Monday, April 28, 2014

HappyUP!!! Day 3079

HappyUP!!!! - dot count challenge
Why it happened - I got a picture
Why it makes me happy - it was fun to do a forensic investigation on what could easily be some kind of scientific study regarding what one sees.  What you see on your computer or cell not the same thing you see when you print the image out

HappyUP!!! - chop saw
Why it happened - project going on
Why it makes me happy - not sure nephew has ever operated a chop. I didn't tell him how to do it. He just watched me....and then picked it up on his own. Great to see the pride he demonstrated when he put some tricky baseboarding together

HappyUP!!! - speaking with ex-co-worker
Why it happened - changes are under foot
Why it makes me happy - he was SOOOOOO edifying regarding myself...definitely a man of grace...even though we lost track of each others over the years. GREAT reconnection

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