Monday, April 14, 2014

HappyUP!!! Day 3065

HappyUP!! - Tomatoe trip
Why it happened - I had a couple of minutes
Why it makes me happy - I got those bad boys sooooo fast on Monday morning. I was surprised that, after the weekend craziness, they still had such a wonderful selection. I was in and out of there in minutes!

HappyUP!!! - electrician on the job
Why it happened - he showed up
Why it makes me happy - we are working with friends. Friends have their schedules. We LOVE that...and we are adaptable. AWESOME to catch this guy today

HappyUP!!! - all plants IN after work today
Why it happened - I just had to do it
Why it makes me happy - got a great idea on how to have no weeds.....and still have plants thrive this year....probably thrive even more....we will see. I am just thrilled that....I am IN THE GROUND! ....and many people will enjoy the harvest


Finding the took some work
Good day of prep
Electrician on the job
Great weather
Green Acres
Knocking down the planting after  work

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