Friday, January 31, 2014
HappyUP!!! Day 2996
HappyUP!!! - BIRDIE on 18
Why it happened - 4 great shots
Why it makes me happy - I FAILED my partner on the back 9. HOWEVER, that unlikely...and relatively EASY birdie on 18...made up for it all. When that 15 footer....after my misplays on the back 9...dropped in the jar to secure the win......NOTHING better!
HappyUP!!! - grabbing dough off bro
Why it happened - we compete
Why it makes me happy - I NEVER forget the BLESSING that I have the privilege of playing golf with/against my brother. Us old as we get...are always competitive. I got him today...he may get me tomorrow...I just love and appreciate...that we have the opportunity to go at it
HappyUP!!! - Pot Roast Frittata
Why it happened - cooking
Why it makes me happy -I know something about me. I need protien in the morning. Eggs do the job. The frittata has been a blessing over last few months. Perfect way to make eggs. It is especially good way to toss in some leftovers. THAT sauce I threw in made this one....DA BOMB!
Thursday, January 30, 2014
HappyUP!!! Day 2995
HappyUP!!! - pot roast
Why it happened - TraderJoe's
Why it makes me happy - I threw another TJ's WINNER into the crock last night....while I slept...deliciouness was waiting for me in the morning. While you may not think about pot roast in the morning....think about your favorite candle......and....what is better than waking up to the smell of a great roast? Little stands before that...unless it was bacon!
HappyUP!!! - Bud Commercial
Why it happened - it's SuperBowl time
Why it makes me happy - you figure it out. THIS commercial WILL be number one rated commercial in SuperBowl. I'd put money on it
HappyUP!!!- Really?
Why it happened - some peeps are idiots
Why it makes me happy - I have my issues...but.....well....when I see what other people "struggle through"....when should have been done long ago.......I get very happy about my own mental health. My goodness....get over many years will it take. PRAYING for you, cowboy
Pot Roast
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
HappyUP!!! Day 2994
HappyUP!!! - NutterUnity
Why it happened - weather
Why it makes me happy - GLAD that we chose not to step out in those conditions today. Soooooooo many better chances to play golf
HappyUP!!! - RAIN!!!
Why it happened - who knows? It doesn't happen around here lately
Why it makes me happy - it's NOTHING!!!...that moves the rain this drought....we will take WHATEVER we can get! It appears the pressure zone that has kept rain away seems to have weakened it's defense. Hope it opens the door
HappyUP!!! - Jon's speech
Why it happened - Toastmasters
Why it makes me happy - ANOTHER cub...that is becoming a LION!!! Man, I just love that!
Jerry jumping in
Guest returned
Nutter unity...not golfing in this
Another frittata winner
Jonathan's speech
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
HappyUP!!! Day 2993
Why it happened - Toastmasters
Why it makes me happy - so glad I gave that speech this morning....there is at least ONE person that will commit to the experiment....and....that is what it is about...effect one person
HappyUP!!! - Kat C's speech
Why it happened - Toastmasters
Why it makes me happy - without that speech, I would have had NO idea that a local Downs Syndrome person......was inducted into the Sac Sports Hall of Fame....and what it all of us.
I didn't realize a Downs Syndrome person could live until 54...let alone THRIVE...and still be acquiring SO MANY medals. INSPIRATIONAL
HappyUP!!! - watching road rage
Why it happened - I was just going to the store
Why it makes me happy - it made me appreciate my own driving behavior. I'm a pretty good driver. I get cut off....I don't get uptight about it. I am sure that, on occasion, I mess up....I know on those few occasions when I do that I give the "courtesy wave"...which says, "oops...sorry!" The "spin-a-round u-turn" I saw tonight was AWFUL. It wasn't aimed at was at the driver in front of me....who did nothing wrong. I'm just glad I wasn't the car would have only taken me leaving the house 4 seconds be the target of this mentally deranged person's wrath. Witnessed it all
My speech
Kathy's speech
Watching road rage
Great purchase at TJ's
Good walk
Monday, January 27, 2014
HappyUP!!! Day 2992
HappyUP!!! - adress request
Why it happened - I'm thinking a wedding
Why it makes me happy - big honor to get invited to THIS event...if it happens
HappyUP!!! - back to school night
Why it happened - high school coming up
Why it makes me happy - it was a very fun and interesting evening....from my perspective
HappyUP!!! - convo with kindrid spirit
Why it happened - I got an e-mail
Why it makes me happy - NIPPED that situation in the bud......and ALL is GREAT!!! Not sure why my friend got the info given....but it was incorrect
Sunday, January 26, 2014
HappyUP!!! Day 2991
HappyUP!!! - Grammy Awards
Why it happened - we do that
Why it makes me happy - overall....I thought the show was a bit lame. HOWEVER, I like to look for the good. There was a lot of fun tonight. "Get Lucky" was so cool. Carole King with Sara was fabulous. Always great to see Paul and Ringo together...let alone playing. NICE!!!
HappyUP!!! - leftover chicken
Why it happened - I grilled last night
Why it makes me happy - I put a GREAT thing on THAT chicken last night. Some in the omelette this morning........and that salad tonight?.....don't EVEN talk about it
HappyUP!!! - great run
Why it happened - motivation
Why it makes me happy - I LOVE running. I have some consistent joint issues that prevent regularity regarding this endeavor. Sooooooo wish I could go back to fast marathon days...but I can't. So.....I just really appreciate when I can run
Pro Bowl
A run
A walk
Leftover chicken
Saturday, January 25, 2014
HappyUP!!! Day 2990
HappyUP!!! - tap in birdie 15
Why it happened - perfect wedge
Why it makes me happy - I don't get as many of them as I think I should.....but...after all these never gets hit that perfect shot from 105 yards....that almost flies in the hole.....and it's an easy birdie
HappyUP!!! - more birdies
Why it happened - skills
Why it makes me happy - the other two were not cheap by any stretch of the imagination. They weren't as easy as the above...but.....I love these too. It usually means finishing the deal with a great putt....which both of these were. 6 and 10 footers....which were in the hole as soon as they left the putter face
HappyUP!!! - big win
Why it happened - see above
Why it makes me happy - I am REALLY appreciating wins these days. They have been a bit scarce this year compared to last
HappyUP!!! - anticipation
Why it happened - plans
Why it makes me happy - can't wait to hit the road tomorrow!
Why it happened - perfect wedge
Why it makes me happy - I don't get as many of them as I think I should.....but...after all these never gets hit that perfect shot from 105 yards....that almost flies in the hole.....and it's an easy birdie
HappyUP!!! - more birdies
Why it happened - skills
Why it makes me happy - the other two were not cheap by any stretch of the imagination. They weren't as easy as the above...but.....I love these too. It usually means finishing the deal with a great putt....which both of these were. 6 and 10 footers....which were in the hole as soon as they left the putter face
HappyUP!!! - big win
Why it happened - see above
Why it makes me happy - I am REALLY appreciating wins these days. They have been a bit scarce this year compared to last
HappyUP!!! - anticipation
Why it happened - plans
Why it makes me happy - can't wait to hit the road tomorrow!
Friday, January 24, 2014
HappyUP!!! Day 2989
HappyUP!!! - 7 iron on 13
Why it happened - I got skillz
Why it makes me happy - I missed the drive...found alternate fairway....and jammed that 7 iron to 4 feet. LOVE that feeling as I rushed up the hill to see how good it was.
HappyUP!!! - BINGO
Why it happened - club
Why it makes me happy - LOVE the new(old) concept the club has introduced. LOTS of fun getting all of the friends out there. Can't wait for the next one!
HappyUP!!! - sleep
Why it happened - wiped out
Why it makes me happy - it's gonna be SOOOOOO easy to drift off tonite!
Thursday, January 23, 2014
HappyUP!!! Day 2988
HappyUP!!! - chat
Why it happened - I was reached out to
Why it makes me happy - glad to help a was a sacred privilege. Hadn't heard from this dude in a looooooong time. So honored to be part of his process as he makes transition to a better place
HappyUP!!! - the office
Why it happened - I got a call
Why it makes me happy - did any of you ever dread being "called to the principal's office"? Yeah...I know you did. It was the opposite for me today
HappyUP!!! - great walk
Why it happened - weather had a hand
Why it makes me happy - I just felt FANTASTIC today as I walked
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
HappyUP!!! Day 2987
HappyUP!!! - a WIN
Why it happened - golf
Why it makes me happy - been off to a rocky start this golf year. Though a small was a W!!!
HappyUP!!! - a guest
Why it happened - Toastmasters
Why it makes me happy - GREAT to see an old industry friend finally show up and check out the group. Awesome to catch up
HappyUP!!! - Table Topics
Why it happened - Toastmasters
Why it makes me happy - I have to say it.......I did an AWESOME job as topics master today. It was so much fun. Challenging...yet...not handcuffing. Wish I had time to do more than 3
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
HappyUP!!! Day 2986
HappyUP!!! - Pork Taco speech
Why it happened - Toastmasters
Why it makes me happy - awesome to hear of a member's quest to make the PERFECT pork taco....carnitas (didn't know that was what carnitas meant). Anyway...good eats ahead
HappyUP!!! - Post Office
Why it happened - needed stamps
Why it makes me happy - I don't do a lot of snail mail these days......but....I still like to save some money. Why not buy a few years of stamps at today's rather than next week's prices? Love saving money
HappyUP!!! - order DONE
Why it happened - I am the man
Why it makes me happy - I just LOVE serving the members of my club. I made it EASY and VERY affordable today to help them attain their goals!
Monday, January 20, 2014
HappyUP!!! Day 2985
HappyUP!!! - Mormon Island
Why it happened - drought
Why it makes me happy - well...the circumstances that made this available are not happy things at all. I actually do enjoy drinking water. However, when the lake has shrunk to a puddle....things get uncovered. We had SOOOOO much fun wandering around in GORGEOUS weather today
HappyUP!!! - Listening
Why it happened - I do that...on occasion
Why it makes me happy - excellent feedback. I love self improvement
HappyUP!!! - GREAT food
Why it happened - I got it ON
Why it makes me happy - tonite's meal....tho spur of moment...was OVER the top!!!
Sunday, January 19, 2014
HappyUP!!! Day 2984 NFL Championship Sunday
HappyUP!!! - 49er morning
Why it happened - playoffs
Why it makes me happy - watching TV....just looking forward to today's game
HappyUP!!! - GREAT game
Why it happened - playoffs
Why it makes me happy - nope....we didn't win today....Seattle was tough enough to be straight up...when you add the questionable calls/ no-calls.....Niners didn't have enough today. No sour grapes. When you step on to the playing field, you have to beat the other team hard enough to take officials out of the game. Niners had the chance to do that. GREAT season! Lots to look forward to
HappyUP!! - great game
Why it happened - my hostess
Why it makes me happy - WOW!!!!...didn't see THAT coming! "Pigs in a blanket" and other trash foods....including the pizza I brought over. Delicious
HappyUP!!! - game breaks
Why it happened - hostess suggested
Why it makes me happy - every commercial break after half-time required a vigorous interval training regime....what a GREAT idea!!! I'm sure my body will make me pay tomorrow
49er Morning
GREAT day for football
Fabulous game
Great food
Saturday, January 18, 2014
HappyUP!!! Day 2983
HappyUP!!! - knocking it on 3
Why it happened - a hot little 3 wood
Why it makes me happy - I don't get on that green in 2 from the back tee very often.....neither do most people. It's a happy feeling when you watch one trundle up on the putting surface.
HappyUP!!! - Silver Linings Playbook
Why it happened - Red Box
Why it makes me happy - kept meaning to see this one....don't get to Red Box very often myself.... glad she picked this one up
HappyUP!!! - Cheesy Chicken and Artichokes
Why it makes me happy - LOVE a great meal
Why it makes me happy - WOW!!!......that was about as close to perfect as a meal gets!
HappyUP!!! - drive time with the kids
Why it happened - we were on a mission
Why it makes me happy - beautiful afternoon....interesting conversation.....laughs.....some discoveries
Hybrid/putt wood/lip out birdie wood 4....wedge 6....4 iron/pitch 7....pitch 8.....fairway bunker shot/putt/sandie iron/largo 13....hybrid 14....9 iron 16.....7 iron/putt iron/putt 18
Great weather
Silver Linings Playbook
Cheesy chicken
Drive time with the boys
Friday, January 17, 2014
HappyUP!!! Day 2982
HappyUP!!! - gimmie birdie 2
Why it happened - heck of a 6 iron
Why it makes me happy - THAT shot just took off SEARCHING for that pin. Nice surprise to have my opponent walk up and knock it away, "that's good!"
HappyUP!!! - great chipping
Why it happened - a little practice
Why it makes me happy - great to get up and down SOOOOO many times today. It definiely saved me a lot of bacon today!
HappyUP!!! - taking in a movie
Why it happened - a request from the family
Why it makes me happy - overnite company....laughing......great time this evening
Gimmie birdie 2.....wedge 6.....lip out birdie 7....greenie par 8....pitch 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 17, and 18
Fabulous weather
Movie with the family
Thursday, January 16, 2014
HappyUP!!! Day 2981
HappyUP!!! - great high school contact
Why it happened - I put in a call
Why it makes me happy - can't wait!
HappyUP!!! - fabulous walk
Why it happened - weather
Why it makes me happy - just couldn't pass it up today with this gorgeous day going on
HappyUP!!! - stupid note
Why it happened - people communicate at the level they are at
Why it makes me happy - the intelligence level......and emotional intelligence level....well...... hmmm .....what is the best way to put it? Consistent?.....and proves what I have long held....despite an individual's claim to the contrary, they really don't change much. It takes a LOT of work to improve oneself
Late visitor
Great contact at high school
Fabulous weather
Great walk
Stupid note....stupid person
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
HappyUP!!! Day 2980
HappyUP!!! - Cameo appearance by The Dickster
Why it happened - he likes to be a guest
Why it makes me happy - always like golfing with Dick....glad he still can play a little bit
HappyUP!!! - impromptu speech
Why it happened - they were short on the agenda
Why it makes me happy - glad to fill in and be of service....even managed to garner an award
HappyUP!!! - free swinging
Why it happened - who knows
Why it makes me happy - it's a super feeling when one is just "letting it rip...letting it go" was one of those days
HappyUP!!! - partnering with the bro
Why it happened - it's how the indexes fell today
Why it makes me happy - well.....tho we tried...we didn't get the win. Our opponents kind of "threw down" while we "threw up" on the last hole.....and we BARELY came up on the short end of the straw.
Morning off
Impromptu speech
Partnering with brother
Good driving.......great wedge 6.......6 iron 6....recovery 4 iron/putt 11....pitch 13.....hybrid/wedge 14.....pitch/putt 15.....8 iron recovery 16.....7 iron/putt 17..
Tuesday, January 14, 2014
HappyUP!!! Day 2979
HappyUP!!! - bank run
Why it happened - had business
Why it makes me happy - off to the bank...... BOOM!.....then off to the next bank.....BOOM! Glad to get that done so quickly
HappyUP!!! - new member
Why it happened - we are attractive
Why it makes me happy - great to get the paperwork.......and then have the new member JUMP right into action!!!
HappyUP!!! - enjoyed the speeches
Why it happened - peeps getting good
Why it makes me happy - newer members continue to impress as they bring their experiences to the fore.....and then match those with new found/developing skills
Monday, January 13, 2014
HappyUP!!! Day 2978
HappyUP!!! - karate
Why it happened - fulfilling a request
Why it makes me happy - I enjoy watching all the kids working hard....and tagging each other
HappyUP!!! - leftovers
Why it happened - held back yesterday
Why it makes me happy - just another example of what WAS a great meal a GREATER meal today
HappyUP!!! - great morning
Why it happened - kind of eased into it
Why it makes me happy - just a great start to the day
Packing the P
Great morning
Watching some garb TV
Sunday, January 12, 2014
HappyUP!!! Day 2977
HappyUP!!! - 49er Victory
Why it happened - they were clearly the better team
Why it makes me happy - we head onward to Seattle in what is going to be an epic game. Today was a great win.
HappyUP!!! - misstaken car-dentity
Why it happened - hmmmmm.....I think I'll withhold comment
Why it makes me happy - there is nothing funnier than when one is adamant in defending one's the point of belittling another..."I KNOW his car....and THAT is his car"...only for BOOM!!!! to happen. "NO.......THAT is his car!" they drive around the corner. Hysterical!!!
HappyUP!!! - Golden Globes
Why it happened - we do awards season
Why it makes me happy - Tina and Amy knocked it out of the park again.....VERY FUNNY! The show had a great flow....and ended on time. Very entertaining
HappyUP!!! - Stuffed chicken
Why it happened - my host went all out
Why it makes me happy - do you have any idea how good STUFFED chicken is? Well....take my word for it.
Saturday, January 11, 2014
HappyUP!!! Day 2976
HappyUP!!! - Playoffs
Why it happened - NFL
Why it makes me happy - just loved those games today....great stuff
HappyUP!!! - free lunch
Why it happened - my buddy had a certif
Why it makes me happy - sure, I'll do a reality in this case....there really is such a thing as a free lunch
HappyUP!!! - 7 iron/putt 12
Why it happened - I stepped up
Why it makes me happy - almost stole that greenie.....and then......I made a PERFECT putt on that downhill and severe left breaker. It was SO actually didn't go in!
Friday, January 10, 2014
HappyUP!!! Day 2975
Another fritatta winner!!!! LOTS of
great stuff thrown into this one!
Why it happened - a bit of skill
Why it makes me happy - that was a TOUGH one. Pin was back left....I was off green back left...ball had to get through the fringe....dangerously!!!! Bacon saver there!
HappyUP!!! - seeing neice-in-law
Why it happened - work party
Why it makes me happy - loved seeing her as her company was having their event at the club....and supporting the club.....awesome stuff!
HappyUP!!! - service
Why it happened - staff knows
Why it makes me happy - it was busy Friday night with the outside event.....but we were still well taken care of
HappyUP!!! - minimal scarring
Why it happened - who knows
Why it makes me happy - so tired of the damage that a person APPEARS no more was inflicted. More to come
Buddy as partner
Buddy chip in
My putt on 9
Picking up 2 points on 18
Thursday, January 09, 2014
HappyUP!!! Day 2974
HappyUP!!! - Brunch
Why it happened - an afternoon appointment
Why it makes me happy - lovely time with the girls prior to an engagement
HappyUP!!! - the engagement
Why it happened - some people!
Why it makes me happy - it went VERY WELL! Silly to even have to go here....all will be fine
HappyUP!!! - the process
Why it happened - I was witness
Why it makes me happy - I was glad to get information first hand....and watch what that I KNOW what was said.
Wednesday, January 08, 2014
HappyUP!!! Day 2973
HappyUP!!! - morning off
Why it happened - other commitments
Why it makes me happy - I wasn't rushed today....gave me time to get some things done in the morning
HappyUP!!! - brekko with my ill friend
Why it happened - he text me the other day
Why it makes me happy - prognosis not good.....but...hopefully.....I will be part of wherever his path leads over the next couple of years. Lifelong buddy
HappyUP!!! - getting the W
Why it happened - golf
Why it makes me happy - it wasn't a big win....but it was a WIN. Streak continues!!!
Morning off
Brekko with my friend
Solid back 9
Birdie 14
Getting the W
Tuesday, January 07, 2014
HappyUP!!! Day 2972
OH YEAH!!!!....Kings WIN!!!...which
means ME EAT!!!!
Why it happened - I have a good buddy
Why it makes me happy - great seats....was treated to the game. King's aren't having the best of seasons.....BUT.....TONIGHT.....they knocked off the division leading Trailblazers. The game ended up being a lot more excititng than it needed to be....which.....because King's won...just added to the excitement
HappyUP!!! - Jimboys
Why it happened - they are in the arena
Why it makes me happy - my buddy and I were deciding what to have. I didn't want the pulled pork sandwich line. I said, "what else is down here these days? Have they enhanced the dining experience yet with the new ownership?" "Nope...not yet....but there is a Jimboy's stand down there," I said, "BINGO!!!!!....THAT is an enhancement!!!" Have ALWAYS loved Jimboy's Tacos!!!
HappyUP!!! - guest...immediate new member
Why it happened - he searched
Why it makes me happy - we just keep putting a good program together every week....and when guests that are searching show up.....they join!
Dropping off a payment
A guest....immediate member
Kings Game
Free Tacos
Jimboys Taco
Monday, January 06, 2014
HappyUP!!! Day 2971
This all it's forms....just keeps working.
It's quick.....great morning protien.....and is flexible for
all types of additives. Today.....Bacon Brussel Sprouts left
from last night
Why it happened - I got cars
Why it makes me happy - wash em all.....gas em all.....get the registration handled on one. Good to put it all down at one time
HappyUP!!! - haircut
Why it happened - I got slid in
Why it makes me happy - love the feeling of being de-shagged! So happy my person got me in on short notice!
HappyUP!!! - Brussel Sprout Fritatta
Why it happened - I had leftovers
Why it makes me happy - it was a nice thing to toss in....when you have nothing else to toss WORKED.....especially with that bacon!
Sunday, January 05, 2014
HappyUP!!! Day 2970
TraderJoe's knocks it out of the ball park again
with their Hawaiin boneless short ribs!
Why it happened - buddy was thinking of me
Why it makes me happy - looking forward to taking in a ball game. It's been awhile
HappyUP!!! - NINERS
Why it happened - playoffs
Why it makes me happy - we move ONWARD and UPWARD! Looking good!
HappyUP!!! - early errands run
Why it happened - I got on it...and playoffs
Why it makes me happy - got all done that was time to be back to enjoy Wild Card 2! What a weekend it's been!!!
Kings Invite
TraderJoes Shortribs
Early errands run
Saturday, January 04, 2014
HappyUP!!! Day 2969
HappyUP!!! - first W of the year
Why it happened - played a solid back 9
Why it makes me happy - good to get out of the goose egg column this year!
HappyUP!!! - the Colts
Why it happened - it's the playoffs
Why it makes me happy - one of greatest comebacks ever...what a game!!!
HappyUP!!! - IMPOSSIBLY INSANE up and down from bunker
Why it happened - a bit of knowledge...a dash of skill....and some luck
Why it makes me happy - that ball was buried up by the lip of the greenside bunker on 15. The pin was all the way in the back....a good 25 yards. I looked at the sitch and said, "loft does not seem to be what is needed here as the near 90 degree stance I am going to be standing in will take care of that." With that, I took out an 8 iron....ball went straight up...lots of top spin...settled within 5 feet of the hole and I tapped it in.
HappyUP!!! - Birdie on 9
Why it happened - skillz
Why it makes me happy - we needed this one. I hit a big tee shot. The pin was farther back than I have ever seen it. was darn near in the bar!!! I hit it pin high left....a ridiculously treacherous putt that I could NOT afford to 3 putt. I DRIZZLED that 15 foot breaker down the slope.....and right into the bank!!!
HappyUP!!! - flop shot on 17
Why it happened - I know how to do that
Why it makes me happy - unfortunately, I missed the putt....but THAT flopper was AS GOOD AS IT GETS
Orange Bowl...Clemson knocked off Ohio State
Nice little 77
Drive/7 iron/ticklish putt/birdie 9.......and a birdie on 10 as well
Flop shot 17
IMPOSSIBLE up and down bunker shot on 15.....PURELY INSANE
Picking up some paperwork
GREAT comeback by the Colts
Friday, January 03, 2014
HappyUP!!! Day 2968
HappyUP!!! - bullet....sandy/bullet start
Why it happened - putting
Why it makes me happy - LOVE to get that putter going right out of the gate
HappyUP!!! - blackened swordfish
Why it happened - prime rib night
Why it makes me happy - didn't have much in the fridge. The club threw a delicious little treat together for me in a to go box......YUMBO!!!
HappyUP!!! - great Sugar bowl game
Why it happened - we do that in this country
Why it makes me happy - it was awesome to come home and see such a great game. Oklahoma dished up quite the surprise to the Crimson Tide
Thursday, January 02, 2014
HappyUP!!! Day 2967
HappyUP!!! - Buddy Birdie on 18
Why it happened - he stepped up...BIG TIME
Why it makes me happy - looked like we were going to get out of there with a push.....then....our opponent HOLES OUT an impossible bunker shot!!! OMG!!! Buddy got up there and drained that breaking 15 footer to save our bacon!
HappyUP!!! - DuPont
Why it happened - had an oopsie
Why it makes me happy - had a candle malfunction which resulted in a HUGE stain on my granite. I tried an on-line home remedy....THAT didn't work at all. Ordered a DuPont product...left it on the stain for 3 days......VOILA!!!!....stain is gone. If you have a stain in your granite, go on-line and give DuPont StoneTech Professional Oil Stain Remover a try
HappyUP!!! - birdie on 1
Why it happened - 4 good shots
Why it makes me happy - it's my first birdie of the year.....WhoooHooooo!
HappyUP!!! - JB
Why it happened - he took a day off
Why it makes me happy - love JB....a wonderful guest
HappyUP!!! - spirited match
Why it happened - we all played OK
Why it makes me happy - it's not everyday that we all shoot in the 70's. It's enjoyable to watch lots of good shots
Drive/4 iron/wedge/putt/Birdie 1.....hybrid/2 putt 2....4 iron recovery/pitch/putt 3....4 iron recover/wedge/putt/BIRDIE 4....7 iron iron 7.....5 iron/greenie/largo/birdie iron/putt 9....hybrid 10....hyrbrid iron/2 putt 13....4 iron/9 iron 14....recovery shot/pitch/putt 18
Buddy birdie 18
Poultice product worked
Wednesday, January 01, 2014
HappyUP!!! Day 2966 New Year's Day 2014
HappyUP!!! - coffee with my buddy
Why it happened - Starbucks was open
Why it makes me happy - yeah....a little tough to rustle out of those comfy confines of that bed this morning.....but well worth it
HappyUP!!! - largo greenie 9 iron 5
Why it happened - skillz
Why it makes me happy - tough way to start the new year.....BUT....that shot was a beauty
HappyUP!!! - Buffalo Chicken Pizza
Why it happened - TraderJoe's
Why it makes me happy - THAT is one great little pizza for $ can do some add on's at home like I do...onions/olives/cheese/anchovies......or have it stand alone. Wonderful for watching some football
HappyUP!!! - it's a New Year
Why it happened - we have calendars
Why it makes me happy - I've never been one who really cares about New Year's Day. It really is just another day. I do, however, get very entertained by people who make a big deal of it. Things don't just happen.....ya gotta make them happen
Drive/4 iron 1....9 iron largo/greenie 5.....6 iron lucky break 6.....3 wood 7....5 iron/putt 9....recovery/layup/wedge/par 10.....hybrid 13....recovery/2 putt 15....bunker shot 16....hybrid/pitch 18
A New Year begins
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