Friday, December 27, 2013

HappyUP!!! Day 2961

HappyUP!!! - bunker shot 12
Why it happened - skill and luck
Why it makes me happy - this shot was impossible!!! Ball below feet in the slanting violently that could be hoped for was a 10 foot putt coming back up the hill. THIS little gem I pulled off came out high, soft, and above the hole. nearly stopped...but it just kept tumbling...tumbling....tumbling down the slope.......and.....GUESS WHAT?.....the hole got in the way! BirdieUP!!!

HappyUP!!! - Bob-O
Why it happened - he called
Why it makes me happy - don't get to play much with the Bobster.  Was glad he called and came out. We had a great match on a lovely day

HappyUP!!! - frittata
Why it happened - needed morning protien
Why it makes me happy - this has been one of my favorite discoveries of the year.  Just a wonderful way to get the eggs before golfing.  Today, I put some taco meat into it....DEEEELICIOUS!

Bunker shot 12

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