Monday, June 10, 2013

HappyUP!!! Day 2320

HappyUP!!! - talking with the P man
Why it happened - returned a call
Why it makes me happy - learned all about a LOT of interesting stuff going on in my
friend's life. We hadn't chatted in awhile...great convo

HappyUP!!! - certificates done
Why it happened - I'm a dipper
Why it makes me happy - haven't held a dip pen in my hand in a long time....nope...they aren't perfect...but they are definitely worth more than what was paid to do...LOL

HappyUP!!! - item found
Why it happened - I'm a good finder
Why it makes me happy - I'm a good finder.....cuz I have a LOT of experience in searching for stuff.


Knocking off the to do list
Registration application
Talking with Parm
Getting the certificates done
Found phone adapter

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