HappyUP!!! - almost an ace
Why it happened - I hit a perfect gripped down 4 iron
Why it makes me happy - I used my camera to tap this one in for the birdie. What can I say....there are few things in life that feel as good as a perfectly struck 4-iron.
(I am really glad I do this HappyUP!!! stuff....this shot feels almost as good again tonight as I type this as when I hit it. If I didn't do this recap, I probably would have forgot about it.)
HappyUP!!! - dinner with my buddy
Why it happened - my buddy responded to the Four Agreements post today
Why it makes me happy - my friend was having an issue........that had been caused by a violation of Taking Something Personally. My friend e-mailed me about what to do to fix the error. I put in my two cents......and the outcome of the situation was positive for both parties involved.
HappyUP!!! - connection with a friend from way back
Why it happened - I did a Google and located the person
Why it makes me happy - in our lives, we have people that we become friends with...and they drift away. Nothing major happens....they just drift. It was super to reconnect and find out that life turned out very positively.
HappyUP!!! - my round of golf
Why it happened - I took that lesson last week
Why it makes me happy - I shot the best score that I have had in about three months....and it easily could have been better. I was playing well back then....I started to think it may have been a fluke. My game is coming back around which is energizing me to entertain a wild dream. Then, at dinner (see above), my fortune cookie talked about having a dream and making it happen. It is weird because, for the first time, I actually disclosed my dream to my golf partner today.
E-mail from D
E-mail from M
Dinner invite
Golf round
Near Ace
Second shot on 10
9 out of first 10 greens in regulation
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