Monday, June 29, 2020

HappyUP!!! Day 5192

HappyUP!!! - paying my partner
Why it happened - we won
Why it makes me happy -great to walk over to his business....and deliver the do-re-mi! Another celebration

HappyUP!!! - commitment from DG
Why it happened -I asked
Why it makes me happy -hope this member comes back....he did pay the freight!

HappyUP!!! - CPD approved
Why it happened -I did the work
Why it makes me happy -it's just one more thing to get off my plate

HappyUP!!! -RTT session
Why it happened -a friend needed help
Why it makes me happy -we did some good work. I always wonder what happens to the client when they come out of's pretty much always, "that was amazing."  This person has been in therapy before...a lot. He had never had this revelation or experience before

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