Thursday, February 27, 2020

HappyUP!!! Day 5068

HappyUP!!! - Uber ride
Why it happened -I needed a lift
Why it makes me happy - met one of the liveliest 70 year olds I have ever met. NOT sure how to take him showing me a pic of his hot 34 year old girlfriend, but I go, "whatever floats your boat, dude. Go get em, Tiger!"

HappyUP!!! - walk home
Why it happened -I had to drop off a car
Why it makes me happy -I was offered a ride. I LOVE a walk through my downtown in the middle of a nice day.

HappyUP!!! - text capturing
Why it happened -technology
Why it makes me happy -it was a good day to be able to capture a customer service call....and store it appropriately. It also helped me find an old one...that is going to be useful.

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