Wednesday, February 12, 2020

HappyUP!!! Day 5052

HappyUP!!! - client update
Why it happened -she reached out
Why it makes me happy -she loves her recording and can see new possibilities. It makes me feel that I am "paying the freight" on this world

HappyUP!!! -an acknowledgement
Why it happened -we had chatted before
Why it makes me happy -it's nice to be able to touch a younger person and have them absorb some wisdom that I was LUCKY enough to acquire. It is easy to forget how privileged I was in all of the training I received as well as my learning

HappyUP!!! -setting up the jam with the Big Man
Why it happened -I followed up
Why it makes me happy -I'm going to get to visit with this guy for the first time. We'll get to put out some good vibes to the universe

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