Sunday, February 02, 2020

HappyUP!!! Day 5042

HappyUP!!! - Kindness
Why it happened -I witnessed
Why it makes me happy -it was the, "you only have one item?...please...go in front of me" I witnessed it next to me. I just LOVE THAT! I complimented the lady. She said it was common courtesy. I agreed but said, "it's not as common as you make it to be." She said, "I love your glasses." idea what are respective politics are...but....THAT is how it is supposed to be

HappyUP!!! - Party at the Nephs
Why it happened -SuperBowl
Why it makes me happy -truth be to told...when it is a big game...I'd rather watch by myself so I can focus on the game. SOOOOOO glad I stepped into the crowd today!

HappyUP!!! - found camera stuff
Why it happened -I wasn't looking
Why it makes me happy -I now have everything to get back into snapping "non-iPhone" pics...and...yeah...the dedicated camera is still higher quality than the phone.

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