Saturday, August 26, 2017

HappyUP!!! Day 4150

HappyUP!!! - Buddy turning it up
Why it happened -my inspiration, I am sure
Why it makes me happy - it's NICE when your partner shoots a little 73!!! Very profitable...and...I know he feels great about it

HappyUP!!! - Dr A turning it up
Why it happened -who knows
Why it makes me happy - this is a relatively new guy to our Merry Group of Men....and he went above his paygrade on the back 9 today....always great to see! Such a nice guy too

HappyUP!!! - eat it August
Why it happened - grrrrrrr
Why it makes me happy - just happy I told my "stuff to do"  that it would get done when it's not 105 outside!!! Glad I have that luxury.  C'mon were behaving so nicely!!!

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