Thursday, July 06, 2017

HappyUP!!! Day 4099

HappyUP!!! - Oleander knocked DOWN
Why it happened -I got a chain saw
Why it makes me happy - this thing was SOOOOO overgrown....and had been for some time. It may not be pretty at the moment....but it is back under control

HappyUP!!! - the boys
Why it happened -deck painting
Why it makes me happy -glad to give some kids a bit of summer employment.  At the same time, I get my deck painted. Yeah, I could do it myself. In the past, I actually have. It looks like a small project....but I have recall. It takes longer than one thinks.  It's a good thing for a couple of young lads to do

HappyUP!!! - NOT going to the dump
Why it happened - see above re: The Boys
Why it makes me happy -I have been to the dump enough in my life. It is time for the children to experience it.  They gathered up those oleander leftovers and were happy to head to the landfill. 

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