You're in the locker room - because it's halftime.
You started this year's game - with a little pre-season partying and celebration (OK...for some of you...A LOT of partying and celebration). Your game plan may have been for a big win this year. It could have been just to "get the W" even if it was a squeaker.

No matter what - it's halftime. Why do teams in every major sport have a halftime? Sure, it gives the bands and chearleaders their time to do their thing. But that's not the reason.
It's to take a breather - to step back, get out of working IN the game, and take a look at how the game is going. It's not too late to change strategy and still be victorious when the buzzer sounds. did the first half play out? - which probably isn't as important as what the strategy for the back side of the year is going to be.
It's not about answers - it is all about questions. Maybe this year is already "toast." You can still salvage something. Maybe you already "won"....careful time to skate, get complacent, and have the opposition come back and win.
Here is the most DYNAMIC question you can ask yourself - anytime but particularly at halftime:
What has to happen between now and December 31, 2009 for me to look back and say, "that was a great year"?
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