Wednesday, July 01, 2009

HappyUP!!! Day 886

HappyUP!!! - playing golf with a legend
Why it happened - one of my golf buddies had him out
Why it makes me happy - 30 years ago when I was playing competitive golf, there was a guy around town that won a lot of the tournaments. He was a few years my senior. We never got a chance or had reason to we did. He's a senior player now......but he beat me today.....and that is a HappyUP!!!

HappyUP!!! - finding a key
Why it happened - I put on a pair of pants I hadn't worn in awhile
Why it makes me happy - I was down to one car key. It's not like I can just go to the locksmith and get a new one. I think a key runs a couple hundred bucks. No matter....I have them both now.

HappyUP!!! - a five iron
Why it happened - who the heck knows
Why it makes me happy - my golf game hasn't been where I want it. My iron play has been atrocious. Out of nowhere, I absolutely PURED one....something that happens all the time when I am playing well. I haven't even been hitting any solid irons....let alone a pure one. THAT one shot came late in the day and gives me something to work on tomorrow.

HappyUP!!! - contacts with friends
Why it happened - e-mail and Facebook
Why it makes me happy - I had some unique things happen through the electronic media today. More than a couple of them gave me a smile.


5 iron
6 iron
Finding keys
Playing with a legend

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