HappyUP!!! - scoring a picture
Why it happened - friends took this one
Why it makes me happy - that is my brother on the left. He NEVER looks like that.....wait...is that my brother or is that Mike Meyers? That is why it is a HappyUP!!! ...it's a good picture but a ridiculous one.
Why it happened - I snuck in 18 this afternoon
Why it makes me happy - look how close I hit it...and this was after I hit the drive straight as straight gets. Check out the barber pole.....this is what my course uses to tell you where to hit your drive. I had to remove the post just to hit my shot.
HappyUP!!! - playing with a new guy
Why it happened - he showed up at the course the same time that I did
Why it makes me happy - we had an enjoyable 9 holes...I am sure we will end up playing again. He was an interesting young man....and another new contact at my club.
HappyUP!!! - the Maseratti
Why it happened - the owner wanted to play golf?
Why it makes me happy - while not envious, I do enjoy seeing nice things. We don't see many Maseratti's up our way. I am not sure what this model was...it wasn't very sporty but I can gurantee you....it was niiiiiiiizzzzze.
HappyUP!!!! - Toastmasters
Why it happened - it is Tuesday
Why it makes me happy - I gave a solid speech. We had a returning guest who will join. We had a new guest that is going to join. We are getting on it.
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