Saturday, June 23, 2007

"What will it be? The usual?"

"Of course it will" - and in about 10-12 minutes, I'll have a short stack and two sausages sitting right in front of me at my favorite breakfast joint.

I suppose some would call that dull - or predictable.

I call it - a man that knows what he likes.

I was in a relationship once - and I took great care before I made the statement as I knew full well that it wasn't that romantic...

"You're like a short stack and a side of sausage" - remember, ladies, before you go, "Nutster, never say that to a woman." Remember, I fully set the table. If I can't be transparent, I can't be with someone. I am way too old to play make believe and Prince Charming games. Nevertheless, I don't think she really got what that meant. It meant that I was happy. I wasn't going to try anything else off the menu...even the special of the day. Sure, it might be more interesting...who knows because I wasn't going to try it.

If I didn't like the usual - I probably wouldn't be at/with that establishment anymore.

""Give me the usual" - it's the ultimate compliment

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