(A special post for SundayScribblings . This week, on the topic of "Yummy.")
While not always the way to go - "first flash" is often your best instinct. When I first heard "yummy," my brain flashed on, "Yummy yummy yummy, I've got love in my tummy." This is about as classic a piece of bubblegum rock as there ever was.
I can't even guess when the last time I heard that tune was - not even a clue. A loooooooong time ago. I thought the song was by The Archies. Gooogled it to be sure....
....and it was a good thing - it was Ohio Express
So, after the first flash - I thought, "I am not going to write 'yummy yummy yummy I've got love in my tummy' anywhere near my blog."
Of course...you know me by now - and when I hear that "I'm not going to in a million years voice....", it's really me saying, "Yeah....I probably am."
What can I say - it's the lovable semi-dork in me.
Let's face it - that has to be one of the weakest licks in all of music. Yet, in 1968, right smack dab in the summer of love, it was on the charts until it peeked to number 5 on Billboard. Unbelievable....
I don't listen to a lot of the new music on the charts today - somewhere along the way, I got stuck between "yummy yummy" and "don't you wish your girlfriend was a freak like me" or something about "hittin a big girls butt." (I think there is a song about that.....as said, purposely out of touch)
You would think that - after starting at Yummy Yummy, the music couldn't get less intelligent.
I will give "yummy" one high mark - what a great HappyUP!!! word. The word "yummy" is...uh...well...just yummy!!!
Hey, thanks for leaving such nice comments on my blog. Love your HappyUP project, keep going!
As for yummy.. I once walked through the streets with a friend making up countless versions of "yummy, yummy, yummy we've got .. (insert food here) in our tummy". Cracked us up!
ha ha - as soon as i saw the prompt i started singing and admit to starting my scribble with it LOL
i do have that single - which i brought when it first came out !!!
Very differently yummy post!
Do chk mine at:Yummy!!
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