Monday, February 05, 2007

JollyJottings - Day 9

Remember - you can join in and HappyUp!!! along with me anytime. But, before you can pick your three HappyUP!!!s at day end, you have to have choices. You have seen my HappyUP!!!s. Here were the other examples today:

-A client that we thought we had lost sent us some business
-We put loan documents in title on a tough deal. The manager that I got that I helped was relieved!
-I realized that I have some talent on my staff that I hadn't seen before
-We got our first piece of business from an initiative I have been working on. It's always good to see some fruit
from the labor.
-I listened to a great Audio CD on my drive to SF
-I got a coffee at an AM/ was free cookie day!
-We had an OUTSTANDING lunch brought in at our meeting. There was some awful looking stuff on top of the
salad. It looked like ...uh...well...regurgitation. No one else would even try it. I heaped it on....delicious...
and went back for more
-Truffles - the manager of the location we were at brought in a box of truffles. Truffles are always a HappyUP!!!
-I got some great e-mails......unexpected
-Remembered to mail off payment for a Crab Feed I am going to this Saturday night. Crab Feeds.....always
something to look forward too. Who wants to go?
-Kings game on the tube - after the Arena Softball game. Always entertaining.
-Woke up before the alarm went off - I always consider that a HappyUP!!! even though it happens almost
-Got to my meeting on time with absolutely no stress

......there are a lot of great things going on in YOUR life - do you notice them? ...all of them?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hi there - i have decided to do happyups as well - love your blog...